Value |
Category |
0 |
Nothing from this list |
1 |
Was verbally threatened |
2 |
Was verbally insulted but not threatened |
3 |
Was threatened with knife, gun or other weapon |
4 |
Was attacked with knife, gun or other weapon |
5 |
Was beaten, assaulted or kicked |
6 |
Was strangled or burned |
7 |
Was injured or killed in gun shooting |
8 |
Was injured or killed by landmine or UXO |
9 |
Was physically forced to have sexual intercourse |
10 |
Was forced to perform other sexual acts they did not want to |
11 |
Lost body parts |
12 |
Was abducted/kidnapped |
13 |
Was robbed |
14 |
Was extorted for goods or money |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.