The Economic Organization (EO) is found in the addressed stub of the establishment. It relates to the organizational structure or role of the establishment in the organization. An establishment may be classified according to its economic organization, that is, whether an establishment is a single establishment, a branch, an establishment and main office, a main office only, or an ancillary unit.
Single establishment (EO Code 1) is one which has no branch or main office.
Branch (EO Code 2) is an establishment with main office located elsewhere.
Establishment and main office (EO Code 3) is one which is both located in the same address and with branch/es elsewhere.
Main office (EO Code 4) is an ancillary unit which controls, supervises and directs one or more establishments of an enterprise.
Ancillary unit (EO Code 5) is an economic unit that operates primarily or exclusively for a related establishment or group of establishments and produces goods or services that support but do not become part of the output of those establishments. Examples of ancillary units are warehouses, garages, and repair shops of transport establishments, research laboratories, or electric power plants of a movie house or of a factory which primarily serve their parent units. To be classified also under this category are extension stores of retail stores in markets.