Literal question
Sugar, snacks, sugar confectionery and other food products consumed/purchased or received as gifts
- None of the above
Interviewer instructions
This section requires only the amount purchased in the last 7 days by the household.
a) Select the food and beverages items CONSUMED by everyone in the household from the list provided in the last seven days. Note, you are firstly required to obtain the physical quantity of the item consumed by the household, the physical amount and the unit of quantity associated with that amount.
b) Select the food and beverages items PURCHASED by everyone in the household from the list provided the last seven days. Note, you are firstly required to obtain the physical quantity of the item purchased by the household, the physical amount and the unit of quantity associated with that amount.
c) As much as possible encourage the household to give you this information in pounds/kilograms/litres/ounces. While other units of quantity are available use them as much as possible only when it is an easily identifiable quantity.
d) Then, you must record the value of purchases of the item made in the last seven days (the last week).
e) As with amounts consumed and purchased the amounts received as gifts must be recorded and the unit of quantity associated with the quantity of the gifts received.