Interviewer instructions
- This section tries to determine the employment characteristics of persons 15 years of age and over. Their economic activity status is what is assessed, that is whether the respondents in question are employed, unemployed or out of the labour force. This section tries to determine for those persons unemployed or out of the labour means employed to sustain their livelihoods. This section also takes a look at the employed and whether the employment activities engaged in are tourism related. For the self employed respondents are asked for information on the level of informality associated with their businesses, the amount of weekly sales generated etc.
- This question is asked for all persons who said yes to either Q4.3 or Q4.2. This question tries to determine the length of time for which respondents who work have held their current jobs. Often earnings levels are directly related to length of time one works at the same job is promoted and gains experience, frequent job changes usually have a negative impact on the level of pay received.