Literal question
Clothing - other articles of men clothing last three months
- Sewing thread, buttons, zips, buckles
Interviewer instructions
This section requires consumption information for individual items of clothing. The approach to answering all sections requiring this type of detailed information is as follows
i) Read out the question “Did …… purchase or receive as gifts any of the following items in the past 3 months?”
ii) Read the broad heading first and inquire from the respondent if any of these items were purchased or received as a gift, if there is no response, perhaps because the broad heading is not understood by the respondent start calling out some of the items. If the respondent indicates that they did purchase or receive as a gift a specific item record the quantity and its value.
iii) Note that if the item was homemade you must also record the quantity and an estimated value put on the item by the spender under the “purchased” column. If an item was both “purchased” and “homemade” the two should be added and one entry should be made for that specific item in the quantity and total cost boxes in the purchased column.
iv) At the end of the section all broad headings should have been read and all items recorded.
v) On your return home from the interview put “0” box for all the items not purchased by the respondent. It is too tedious to try to “0” for all items as you go through the interview with the respondent.
For this and all other sections on the questionnaire you are to use the following procedure when completing information on items of expenditure to be collected. All entries which are “Not Applicable” an entry of “0” should be made. For entries which are “Not Stated”, make an effort to obtain an answer.