Value |
Category |
2231002 |
Other entrepreneurial income |
2331001 |
Money sent by relatives and friends |
2341001 |
Rental income received by you for house |
2351001 |
Dividends on local and foreign inv |
2361001 |
Interest on local and foreign bank |
2361002 |
Interest from stocks, shares |
2371001 |
Government retirement |
2371002 |
Pension from other former St. Lucian employer |
2371003 |
Pension from former foreign employer |
2371004 |
Social Security (NIS), excluding old age |
2381001 |
Insurance Annuities |
2381002 |
Public assistance |
2381003 |
Child support |
2391001 |
Allowances - scholarships |
2391002 |
Allowances - financial aid |
2391003 |
Allowances - alimony |
2391099 |
All Other Income |
999999 |
None of the above |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.