Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2016
Name | Country code |
Liberia | LBR |
Income/Expenditure/Household Survey [hh/ies]
The Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2016 is the third after the HIES of 1964 and the partially completed HIES of 2014 (interrupted due to the Ebola Virus Disease). With an improved design, the survey fieldwork was concluded on January 19, 2017.
The main purpose of the Household Income Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2016 was to offer high quality and nationwide representative household data that provided information on incomes and expenditure in order to update the Consumer Price Index (CPI), improve National Accounts statistics, provide agricultural data and measure poverty as well as other socio-economic indicators.
These statistics were urgently required for evidence-based policy making and monitoring of implementation results supported by the Poverty Reduction Strategy (I & II), the AfT and the Liberia National Vision 2030.
The survey was implemented by the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) over a 12-month period, starting from January 2016 and was completed in January 2017. LISGIS completed a total of 8,350 interviews, thus providing sufficient observations to make the data statistically significant at the county level. The data captured the effects of seasonality, making it the first of its kind in Liberia.
Support for the survey was offered by the Government of Liberia, the World Bank, the European Union, the Swedish International Development Corporation Agency, the United States Agency for International Development and the African Development Bank. The objectives of the 2016 HIES were:
Sample survey data [ssd]
The HIES 2016 survey covered the following topics:
Name | Affiliation |
Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services | Government of Liberia |
Name | Role |
Government of Liberia | |
The World Bank | Technical and financial assistance |
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency | |
United States Agency for International Development | |
African Development Fund | |
European Union |
The original sample design for the HIES exploited two-phased clustered sampling methods, encompassing a nationally representative sample of households in every quarter and was obtained using the 2008 National Housing and Population Census sampling frame. The procedures used for each sampling stage are as follows:
i. First stage
Selection of sample EAs. The sample EAs for the 2016 HIES were selected within each stratum systematically with Probability Proportional to Size from the ordered list of EAs in the sampling frame. They are selected separately for each county by urban/rural stratum. The measure of size for each EA was based on the number of households from the sampling frame of EAs based on the 2008 Liberia Census. Within each stratum the EAs were ordered geographically by district, clan and EA codes. This provided implicit geographic stratification of the sampling frame.
ii. Second stage
Selection of sample households within a sample EA. A random systematic sample of 10 households were selected from the listing for each sample EA. Using this type of table, the supervisor only has to look up the total number of households listed, and a specific systematic sample of households is identified in the corresponding row of the table.
There were three questionnaires administered for this survey:
Start | End |
2016-01 | 2017-01 |
Name | Affiliation |
Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services | Government of Liberia |
The data collection for the HIES used fourteen teams that included one supervisor, four enumerators, one GIS specialist who doubled up as an enumerator, one data entry clerk, and one driver. During each quarter, a monitoring team from LISGIS headquarter visited the field teams to observe fieldwork, assess data quality, and provide feedback and further training where applicable.
The data entry clerk for each team, using data entry software called CSPro, entered data for each household in the field. For each household, an error report was generated on-site, which identified key problems with the data collected (outliers, incorrect entries, inconsistencies with skip patterns, basic filters for age and gender specific questions etc.). The Supervisor along with the Data Entry Clerk and the Enumerator that collected the data reviewed these errors. Callbacks were made to households if necessary to verify information and rectify the errors while in that EA.
Once the data were collected in each EA, they were sent to LISGIS headquarters for further processing along with EA reports for each area visited. The HIES Technical committee converted the data into STATA and ran several consistency checks to
manage overall data quality and prepared reports to identify key problems with the data set and called the field teams to update them about the same. Monthly reports were prepared by summarizing observations from data received from the field alongside statistics on data collection status to share with the field teams and LISGIS Management.
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services. Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2016, Ref. LBR_2016_HIES_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | URL |
Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the study |
Version 01 (March 2018)