Labour Force Survey 2012
Name | Country code |
Gambia | GMB |
Labor Force Survey [hh/lfs]
The 2012 Labour Force Survey is geared towards providing labour market indicators to assist in policy and decision making at the macro and micro level. Indicators produced would also be helpful in monitoring the labour market, mainstreaming of employment in national development agenda such as the PAGE, Vision 2020 and international targets such as the MDGs.
The Gambia’s first Labour Force Survey was conducted in 1992. This was a localized study covering areas just around the capital Banjul. Other related issues were also covered as modules in some surveys and the country’s Population and Housing Censuses. The Gambia Labour Force Survey 2012 (GLFS 2012), is the first nationally representative Labour Force Survey. This is relatively more comprehensive in coverage and follows ILO guidelines. The main objective of the Rural Labour Force Survey was to provide primary data to inform stakeholders on the Impact of Macroeconomic and Social Policies on Employment and Poverty Reduction in The Gambia. The principal objective of the country’s medium-term development agenda (Program for Accelerated Growth and Employment (PAGE)) also articulates the need to improve human resource potential of the country by: improving Employment levels; Per Capita Income; Human Development and Gender Equity. It is hoped that progress in these issues would also improve the Country’s Competitiveness and development prospects. Due to the scanty labour market information, coupled with the forthcoming establishment of the Labour Market Information System, this study was commissioned to address the increasing demand for labour statistics both locally and internationally. Findings from this study would enable policymakers to plan, measure, monitor and evaluate labour market, PAGE, Vision 2020 and international targets such as the MDGs.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The scope of this study is includng:
National Coverage.
The Labour Force Survey used the 2003 Population and Housing Census list of Enumeration Areas (EAs) as its sampling frame. EA maps prepared by the GIS/Cartography Section of GBoS guided the interviewers in tracing the EA boundaries.
Name | Affiliation |
Gambia Bureau of Statistics | Government of Gambia |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Ministry of Trade, Industry, Regional, Integration and Employment | Government of Gambia | Independence drive |
The population of interest, indicators and sample size were determined. A two-stage stratified random sampling design was used to arrive at the required sample size. In the first stage the EAs were selected by probability proportional to size. Systematic sampling was used in the second stage, where 20 households were selected by circular systematic sampling procedure in each EA. For the whole country, including all LGAs, Urban and Rural areas, out of 225 EAs, 4500 households were selected which translated to an estimated 40,026 individuals who were covered.
The sample design shows that 6 of the 8 LGAs were over sampled. This implies that the design was not self-weighting. This could have been caused by sampling and non-sample errors or structural changes in the population. Therefore, in presenting the results of the survey there was the need to compensate for sampling errors by applying sampling weights to the results.
Out of 4500 households sampled 4,372 households were completely interviewed accounting for 97.2 percent response rate. The overall household response rate was 98.7 percent. One major source of non-sampling error is non-response. Non-response is caused by the absence of household members in the sample households, total refusal to answer any of the questions and sometimes when the interviewee is incapable to answer etc.
Tables or data can be weighted by multiplying the sample data with a normalized sample weight to compensate for the oversampling. Two types of sample weights are used in this report: the normalized sample weight for household (named HHWEIGHT in the household data set) and the normalized sample weight for eligible persons 5 years and over (named ELIGIBLES in the household listing data set).
Following the adaption of the questionnaire, survey field personnel were recruited and trained for three days. The questionnaire design took more time than anticipated due to the need to ensure that variables required for the computation of indicators were incorporated in the questionnaire.
Start | End |
2012-04-21 | 2012-05-20 |
The Supervisors of the fieldwork were responsible for the day to day operations of the teams which include identifying EAs and overseeing enumeration as well as field editing. The survey coordinators were responsible for recruitment of survey personnel, supervised the fieldwork and made frequent visits to all teams during the fieldwork.
It is useful to have an idea of the quality of the survey data. Demographic analysis mostly in the form of graphical analysis of age-sex distribution and sex ratio analysis was used in the assessment of the LFS-2012 data. These methods are particularly useful in evaluating coverage errors through the use of data on age cohorts. Comparisons were also made with The Gambia’s MICS IV conducted in 2010 and The Gambia’s 2003 Population and Housing Census raw age-sex data. Raw data was used in this assessment to avoid distortions that could result from weighted data.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Gambia Bureau of Statistics | Government of Gambia | | |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
The Identification of the Primary Investigator
The title of the survey (including country, acronym and year of implementation)
The survey reference number
The source and date of download
Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS); Gamjobs, & Ministry of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment (MOTIE). Gambia Labour Force Survey (LFS) 2012. Ref. GMB_2012_LFS_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Gambia Bureau of Statistics | Government of Gambia | | |
Central Statistical Office | Gambia Bureau of Statistics | | |