Interviewer instructions
Land Tax-owned farm (annual) - Ask the annual land tax paid for the focus parcel and enter in the space provided. If the land tax paid is for all parcels then use ratio and proportion based on area to apportion the land tax. Impute the land tax to owned farm in column 3 (imputed) if the farm operator did not pay tax during the reference period.
Caretaker/overseer's share/wages (per cropping) - Ask the payment for caretaker or overseer's in cash or in kind per cropping.
Other permanent employee's salary (monthly) - Ask the monthly payment for hired permanent farm workers doing production activities during the reference cropping period. If the payment is not monthly, convert it into monthly.
Land rental should be per annum. Otherwise convert the payment annually. Example: If the land rent is paid after every harvest, multiply the rent by the number of cropping. For farm land with tenurial status " Rent free", impute for the land rental for the use of land during the reference period in column 3 (Imputed).
Rent for machine should be per cropping.
Rent for animals should be per cropping.
Rent for tools and equipment should be per cropping.
Rental value of owned land (annual) - Ask the sample farmer how much would be the annual rental value of the land cultivated for cassava if in case these have been rented. This is an imputed cost and recorded in the space provided.
Rental value of owned animal/s (per cropping) - Ask the sample farmer how much would be the rental per cropping of the animal/s used for cassava production if in case these have been rented. This is an imputed cost and recorded in the
space provided.
Fuel (per cropping) - Ask the exact quantity in liters and cost of fuel (diesel, gasoline and kerosene) consumed in the production process of cassava. If paid in kind, record total value in cash equivalent.
Oil (per cropping) - Ask the exact quantity in liters and cost of oil consumed in the production process of cassava. If paid in kind, record total value in cash equivalent.
Transport cost of inputs (per cropping) - Ask the costs incurred in transporting the procured fertilizers, chemicals, and other farm inputs to the farm sites. In case of payment in kind, indicate the quantity paid and total value in cash equivalent.
Interest payment on crop loan (per cropping) - Ask the payment in cash or in kind for the interest on borrowed capital used in the production of cassava. If paid in kind, ask for the quantity paid and total value in cash equivalent. Interest payment for crop loan should be per cropping. Otherwise convert the payment into per cropping.
Storage cost (per cropping) - Ask the payment in storing the produce in a suitable place for a period of time before disposition or distribution.
Electricity cost (monthly) - Ask the monthly payment in cash for electricity consumed in the production process.
Water (monthly) - Ask the monthly payment in cash for water consumed in the production process.
Landowner's share (per cropping) - Ask the quantity in local unit given to landowner as payment for the use of his farm land.