Value |
Category |
Beacause of physical disability |
Because parents have financial problem |
He/she is able to write, to read and to count but never attended school because of financial problem |
He/she is always ill |
He/she is deaf |
He/she just started to go to school |
His/her mother passed away and his/her fatehr doesn't care about school |
Is always on travel |
Is not 6 yet |
Is too dumb for school |
Is too young |
It's not useful beacuse she's a girl |
Orphan |
Orphan and her/his legal guardian has never sent him/her to school |
Orphan and is raised by a stepmother |
Parents are divorced so there is not enough money |
Parents have financial problem |
School doesn't accept children under 4 years old |
School is too expensive |
School is too far from home and because of financial problem |
She/he is not 6 yet |
There was no school before |
They wait for the next school year |
because he is not circumcised yet |
because he/she is too young |
because my parents have financial problem |
because of financial problem |
because shool doesn't accept children under 6 years old |
because they don't have a regular income |
because they lived far from town where there is no school |
because we wait until she/he is 6 |
he/she doesn't speak well yet |
is too young |
orphan and move all the time |
orphan and wasnot able to go to school by er/himself |
orphan since he/she is 1 and anyone sent him/her at school |
public school doesn't accept children under 6 years old |
she/he is orphan and her/his tutor doesn't send her/him at school |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.