Value |
Category |
Allergy |
Anemia |
Anémia |
Arthrosis |
Asthma |
Back ache |
Backwardness |
Bladder cancer |
Blind, mute |
Blocked artery |
Blood pressure |
Breast cancer |
Cerebrovascular accident |
Cervical cancer |
Chickenpox |
Cicticercosis |
Cicticercosis, unconscious |
Cough |
Crisis |
Cyst |
Deafness |
Diabetes |
Epilepsy |
Eye disease |
Foot |
Gout |
Headache |
Heart disease |
Hemorrhoid |
Hernia |
Intestine ache |
Kidney disease |
Lame |
Leukemia |
Liver disease |
Memory loss |
Meningitis |
Mental illness |
Nerve disease |
Pain from the head to the stomach |
Palpitation |
Paralysis |
Respiratory problem |
Rheumatism |
Rhinitis |
Sickle cell disease |
Sinusitis |
Stomach ache |
Swollen stomach |
Tetanus |
There is always something swollen on his/her body but any doctor knows what it is |
Throat ache |
Tooth ache |
Unconscious |
Varicose vein |
We don't know |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.