Value |
Category |
"godrogodro" |
"mofogasy" (malagasy bread) |
?? |
??? |
Accounting |
Agriculture |
Agriculture improvement |
Architecture |
Banana, banana fritter |
Bank |
Bar |
Biscuit |
Bread |
Bricks |
CD, VCD and software retailing |
Car maintenance |
Car rental |
Carpentry |
Cars repairing |
Cassava |
Catering |
Cinema |
Clothes |
Clothes factory |
Clothes washing |
Clothing |
Construction |
Daily working |
Data input |
Delivery |
Drain fish selling |
Duck |
Education |
Engineering |
Financial credit |
Fire safety plan |
Fish and vegetables selling |
Fish selling |
Flower |
Food |
Food (restaurant) |
Forging |
Fruit selling |
Glasses |
Glasses for Constructions (window, door, bathroom, …) |
Handicraft |
Handling |
Hardware store |
Health |
House keeping |
Iron |
Justice |
Knitting |
Lambahoany (a kind of loin cloth but it is typically Malagasy) |
Laundry service |
Laundrying |
Lottery |
Manual washing |
Manual washing, water drawing |
Massage |
Meat |
Meat selling |
Medicines selling |
Metal work |
Milk cow |
Mobile operator |
Motorcycle |
Painting |
Pastry |
Pig |
Plastic materials |
Political party |
Post office |
Poultry |
Printing works |
Private transport |
Public administration |
Public service |
Public transport |
Rail transport |
Rice |
Rice dissecting |
Rice, Vegetables |
Rice, bean, nut |
Sales |
Samosa |
Second hand clothes selling |
Security |
Security service |
Security services |
Selling cosmetic products |
Selling electronic devices |
Selling second hand clothes |
Sellotape selling |
Service |
Shoes repairing |
Shop |
Soldering |
Sound |
Spare parts |
Street retailing |
Survey |
TV set repairer |
TV set repairing |
Technical service |
Textile factory |
Tire |
Transport |
UNDP project |
Vegetabes, rice |
Video editing |
Village Security service |
Water and electricity |
Wholesaler |
administration |
agricultural productivity Improvement |
agriculture |
air transport |
alcool |
aluminium |
aluminium and metals carpentry |
antenna |
archives |
art and music |
assurance |
audit |
auto painting |
auto parts retailing |
auto parts selling |
auto-body |
awareness |
babysitting |
babysitting services |
bag retailing |
bakery |
banana retailing |
bank |
banking |
bar |
bassins, bucket |
battery |
battery repairing |
binding |
biscuit |
blacksmith services |
book retailing |
books retailing |
bottle |
bottles |
bread |
bread retailing |
brick transporting |
bricks |
bricks transport |
broadcasting |
business |
call center |
canning |
car |
car engine retailing |
car garage |
car garage security |
car painting |
car painting workshop |
car rent |
car repairing |
car selling |
car, motorcycle and bike painter |
carpentry |
carpet retailing |
casino |
casino services |
castor oil and precious stones |
catering |
catering and hotel industry services |
charcoal |
charcoal retailing |
charcoal transport |
charecoal |
chicken |
chicken's egg retailing |
cigarettes |
cleaning |
clothes |
clothes and shoes retailing |
clothes washing |
clothiing |
clothing |
clothing and others |
clothing factory |
clothing retailing |
cltohing |
coat |
coffee |
coffee and bread |
coffee and bread retailing |
coffer |
commerce |
communication |
computer |
computer repairing |
computer retailing |
computer system |
computing |
construction |
consulting services |
control |
contruction |
cooking |
cooking, catering |
cosmetics products |
cosmetics retailing |
cow |
credit |
customs |
daily necessity products |
daily working |
daily working services |
dairy products selling |
data entry |
data entry, photocopy |
decorating |
delivery |
department store |
docker |
docker services |
dossier care taker |
dresses |
dried fish retailing |
drilling |
drinks |
driving school |
dry fishes retailing |
dry food |
drywall |
ducks |
duty-free zone |
duty-free zone activities |
e-retailing services |
education |
education project |
elder people care taking |
elecrical installations selling |
election responsible |
electricity |
electricity and water |
electricity, weld |
electronic |
electronic device retailing |
electronic devices repairing |
electronic devices retailing |
electronic services |
embroidery |
engineering |
entertainment |
environment |
event sector |
fabric |
fabric and kitchen |
fabric retailing |
facial oil |
factory products |
farming |
farming and entertainment |
feeding |
fertilizer and chemical medicines retailing |
fiinance |
fiishes |
finance |
finances |
financial document |
financial services |
fire fighting |
firewood |
firewood retailing |
firewood selling |
fish selling |
fishes |
fishing |
food |
foods |
foods selling |
fountain |
fournitures |
fruit juice |
fruits |
fruits and vegetables retailing |
fruits industry |
fruits retailing |
ftuits and vegetables |
gaming |
garage repairing services |
garage/workshop |
garlic |
gatering |
gem |
groceries |
groceries and gargote |
groceries, pastry |
gym |
hair dressing |
hairdressing |
handicraft |
hardware retailing |
hardware store |
hat |
health |
hotel |
hotel industry service |
hotel industry services |
hotline |
house |
house building |
house construction |
house keeping |
house keeping and babysitting services |
house keeping services |
house maid services |
house painting |
housebuilding |
household linen |
housekeeping |
housing |
housing materials |
human rights |
ice cream |
ice-cream |
immunization |
import and export |
infrastructure building |
insurance |
internet |
investigation |
investment |
iron |
iron products |
iron tools selling |
jewell |
jewelling |
jewerly |
juice |
justice |
ketchup |
key making and selling |
kitchenware rent |
knitting |
ladies tool retailing |
landscaping |
law |
layout |
led screen |
legumes |
library |
litchi and juice |
logistics |
macaroon |
machine |
machinist services |
maid services |
mail |
maintenance |
malagasy bread |
malagasy post office |
management |
manual washing |
manual washing and ironing |
mapmaking |
marketing |
massage |
meals |
meat |
meats |
mecanical services |
mecanical tools retailing |
mechanic service |
mechanic services |
medicines |
medicines delivery |
metal products |
metal stove |
metal working |
military camp |
milk |
milk cow industry |
mining |
mobile banking |
motorcycle repairing |
motorcycle retailing |
movable asset |
movable asset retailing |
multi-service |
music |
musical instruments |
national sports academy |
news |
newspaper |
nurseries |
office boy services |
office supplies |
oil |
ombrelle manufacturing |
own business |
packaging |
packaging services |
padding |
painting |
pancake cooking |
paste |
pastry cook |
peanuts and kola |
photography |
photos |
physicist |
plastic bag |
plastic materials |
plastic materials retailing |
plasticizing |
plumbering |
plumbery |
plumbing |
post office |
posting |
potatoes |
poultry |
precious stones (gem) |
press |
printing |
prison management |
private service |
private services |
private transport |
project |
public administration |
public finance |
public security |
public service |
public services |
public transport |
pull over |
quality |
railway network |
real estate |
rectification |
religion |
repairing |
responsible |
restaurant |
retailing |
retailing and manual washing |
retailing and marketing |
rice |
rice and legumes |
rice and vegetables |
road building |
rubber retailing |
sales |
samosa |
sandals retailing |
sandals, catering |
sanitation |
scaling |
school supplies |
school transport |
screen printing |
seafood factory |
seafoods retailing |
searching for passengers, transport |
seasonal fruits retailing |
second-hand clothes selling |
securitu |
security |
security and house keeping |
security and lanscaping |
security services |
service |
services of machinist |
serviice |
shipping |
shoes |
shoes repairing |
shoes retailing |
shovel |
silk |
site |
snacking |
snacks |
snacks and fritter |
soap and candle production |
social center |
socks |
songs |
soup |
soya bread |
spare parts retailing |
stones |
street commerce |
street retailing |
street selling |
street sweeping services |
survey |
survey cabinet |
sweet and biscuit retailing |
tannery |
tax |
teaching |
technical services |
telecom |
telephone |
telephone repairing |
telephone retailing |
telephone, wax |
television set repairing |
ticketing |
ties |
tools |
topography |
tourism |
toys |
toys retailing |
training |
trans |
translation |
transport |
transport agency |
vegetables |
vegetables and fruits |
vegetables and meat retailing |
vegetables delivery |
vegetables factory |
vegetables retailing |
vegetables selling |
vendor in a coffee shop |
veterinary products |
vulcanising |
warehouse store |
washing |
watch repairing services |
water |
welder |
welding |
wheelbarrow |
wheelbarrow and iron stove |
wholesaler |
wholesaling |
wine |
wood exploring |
wood transport |
wood workshop |
yoghurt |
youghourt |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.