Value |
Category |
200 |
Breakfast |
201 |
Lunch |
202 |
Dinner |
203 |
Snack |
204 |
School lunch |
205 |
Tobbacco, Paraky |
206 |
Newspaper |
207 |
Gambling (Lottery, PMU) |
208 |
Public transport |
209 |
Taxis |
210 |
Parking fees |
211 |
Tithe/ offerings |
212 |
Non-alcoholic beverages |
213 |
Alcoholic beverages |
214 |
Gas |
215 |
Coal |
216 |
Fire wood |
217 |
Candles |
218 |
Other fuels |
219 |
Gasoline, Diesel, Oil |
220 |
Soap |
221 |
Toiletry products |
222 |
Beauty products |
223 |
Landline phone fees |
224 |
Mobile cell phone fees |
225 |
Expenses on internet access (in cybercafes, subscriptions, pre-paid credit or other) |
226 |
Photocopying and printing costs |
227 |
Other communication expenses |
228 |
Entertainment, cinema, video games |
229 |
Audio CDs, VCRs, others |
230 |
Dominoes, card games, football |
231 |
Other expenditures on entertainment |
232 |
Hairdresser |
233 |
Laundry |
234 |
Domestic services |
235 |
Babysitting |
236 |
Routine maintenance products (wax, cleaning products, detergents) |
237 |
Insecticides (against mosquitos, other) |
238 |
Monthly mortgage payment |
300 |
Clothing and accessories, men |
301 |
Clothing and accessories, women |
302 |
Clothing and accessories, children |
303 |
Shoes and shoe repair, men |
304 |
Shoes and shoe repair, women |
305 |
Shoes and shoe repair, children |
306 |
Clothing fabrics and tailoring costs |
307 |
Other clothing expenditure |
401 |
Jewelry and other personal items |
402 |
Lubricant and similar products |
403 |
Repair costs for vehicle or other transport mode (including spare parts and labor cost) |
404 |
Long distance travel cost (bus, plane, other) |
405 |
Legal or administrative fees (eg, certificates) |
406 |
Marriage expenditure |
407 |
Funeral expenditure |
408 |
Other private services |
409 |
Maintenance and regular repairs (painting, etc) |
410 |
Major home repairs, including materials costs and workers' fees (replacement of roof, window etc) |
411 |
Security reinforcements (gate, armouring, locks, alarm, camera) |
412 |
Other housing expenses |
416 |
Home insurance |
417 |
Car and motorcycle insurance |
418 |
Health insurance cost |
419 |
Other insurance products: life, accident, theft, etc |
420 |
Pharmaceutical medicines, including traditional medicines |
421 |
Medical consultation fees and costs of medical tests |
422 |
Transport cost, to reach medical institutions |
423 |
Hospital expenses |
424 |
Therapeutic appliances and equipment |
425 |
Other medical expenses |
426 |
Fixed school fees (include registration, tuition, FRAM, PASCOMA, etc) |
427 |
School uniform |
428 |
Sports clothing |
429 |
Books |
430 |
School supplies |
431 |
Other educational expenditures |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.