Value |
Category |
$a\accesinfrastrutures.dta, |
$a\actgenrevenu.dta, |
$a\aliment_apureT.dta, |
$a\avoirsmenage_apureT.dta, |
$a\baseindividu_apure.dta, |
$a\capitasocial.dta, |
$a\choc.dta, |
$a\classemenposteproblem.dta, |
$a\culture.dta, |
$a\culture_suite.dta, |
$a\elevage.dta, |
$a\elevages_suite.dta, |
$a\gouvernance.dta, |
$a\inventmotifs.dta, |
$a\logements.dta, |
$a\pauv.dta, |
$a\posteconsommation.dta, |
$a\strategiemenages.dta, |
$p\Agregats INS.dta,replace |
$p\Section 0.dta, |
$p\Section A.dta, |
$p\Section B.dta,replace |
$p\Section C.dta, |
$p\Section D.dta, |
$p\Section EA.dta, |
$p\Section EB.dta, |
$p\Section EC.dta, |
$p\Section ED.dta, |
$p\Section F.dta,replace |
$p\Section G1.dta,replace |
$p\Section G2.dta,replace |
$p\Section G3.dta,replace |
$p\Section H1.dta,replace |
$p\Section H2.dta,replace |
$p\Section I.dta, |
$p\Section Ja.dta, |
$p\Section Jb.dta, |
$p\Section K&O.dta,replace |
$p\Section La.dta, |
$p\Section Lb.dta, |
$p\Section Lc.dta, |
$p\Section Ld.dta, |
$p\Section Le.dta, |
$p\Section Lf.dta, |
$p\Section Lg.dta, |
$p\Section M.dta,replace |
$p\Section Na.dta,replace |
$p\Section Na1.dta,replace |
$p\Section Nb.dta,replace |
$p\Section O.dta,replace |
$p\Section P.dta, |
$p\Section Q1.dta,replace |
$p\Section Q2.dta,replace |
$p\Section Q3.dta,replace |
// |
//12899 |
0 |
13.0 |
A |
B |
C |
CM-depdiv |
D |
EA |
EB |
EC |
ED |
F |
G |
G2 |
G3 |
H |
H2 |
I |
Ja |
Jb |
K&O |
La |
Lb |
Lc |
Ld |
Le |
Lf |
Lg |
M |
Na |
Na1 |
Nb |
O |
P |
P0, |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Suppression |
_______sante_______ |
a |
a0 |
agregats |
b |
b09_zd |
b14b |
de |
define |
don |
dq7clas |
ec_nom |
finterview |
h2 |
hh1 |
if |
k2x |
la_prenoms |
les |
lf_nom |
mean_te1x |
more |
p |
pond-femm |
te1M |
te1partete |
value |
var |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.