Value |
Category |
#11 |
#12 |
#13 |
// |
1 |
Avoirs |
Deflateur de prix (fevrier-mars 2015) des biens/base Abidjan |
Liste des strates |
Milieu de residence |
Numero de grappe ou zd |
OO1 |
a0-a25 |
a02 |
a1 |
acces |
activite |
aliments |
b04_district |
b11_quartcpt |
b14d |
b16_nomethnie |
consommation-------------------- |
cqid-cq27 |
de |
dq7b |
dqid-dq25 |
eaqid-eaq12 |
ebqid-eb22 |
ecqid-ec7 |
ed_nom |
edqid-ed7h |
household |
idmen |
iid-i17 |
individus |
infos |
jaid-ja7b |
jbid-jb6 |
k3x |
laid-la13 |
lb_prenoms |
lbid-lb13 |
lcid-lc10 |
ldid-ld9 |
leid-le10 |
lfid-lf6 |
lg_nom |
lgid-lg12 |
med_te1x |
menage |
methode2_mean |
nbviste |
pid |
te2 |
te3M |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.