Value |
Category |
901 |
income from hired labor |
902 |
REVENUE FROM WORK on own account outside a farm in private use |
903 |
904 |
905 |
906 |
907 |
908 |
909 |
Sale of tangible non-commercial purposes |
910 |
911 |
INCOME running a farm |
900001 |
cash residue from the previous month |
901111 |
Income from permanent employment in the country |
901112 |
Income from permanent employment abroad |
901113 |
Severance |
901211 |
Income from casual employment in the country |
901212 |
Income from casual employment abroad |
902111 |
Income from constant self-employed in the country |
902112 |
Income from constant self-employed abroad |
902211 |
Income from casual self-employment in the country |
902212 |
Income from casual self-employed abroad |
903111 |
Income from property |
904111 |
Income from the rental of buildings and structures not related to the business - in the country |
904121 |
Income from rental of land unrelated to the business - in the country |
904131 |
Income from rental of buildings and land of non-business - abroad |
905111 |
National Retirement |
905112 |
Early retirement have been forwarded farm |
905113 |
foreign pensions |
905114 |
Retirement of Open Pension Funds |
905211 |
Pension for Incapacity national |
905212 |
Foreign Annuities |
905311 |
Survivors National |
905312 |
foreign Survivors |
905321 |
Maternity |
905323 |
Other social insurance benefits |
906111 |
Family benefits |
906112 |
Allowance child care during child care leave |
906113 |
Allowance to single parenthood |
906114 |
Other for family allowances |
906115 |
906120 |
Provision of care, special care allowance |
906121 |
care allowance |
906131 |
Grant Childbirth |
906132 |
benefit from the Alimony Fund |
906211 |
housing allowance |
906311 |
social pension |
906312 |
Benefits permanent, temporary and other monetary assistance, material and form of services |
906421 |
Support of non-profit institutions |
906431 |
Scholarships |
906432 |
Other income on social benefits |
906441 |
Other social benefits from abroad |
906511 |
Unemployment in the country |
906512 |
Other benefits for the unemployed in the country |
906513 |
Unemployment benefits from abroad |
906521 |
retirement benefits and allowances |
907111 |
Compensation for household insurance |
907121 |
Benefits earned from voluntary health insurance and accident |
907131 |
insurance claims related to transport |
907141 |
Compensation for non-life insurance |
907211 |
Alimony from individuals in the country |
907212 |
Alimony from individuals from abroad |
907213 |
Other donations from private individuals for a household in the country |
907214 |
Other donations from private individuals for household from abroad |
907311 |
overpayment of income tax from individuals |
907411 |
Other types of income in the country |
907412 |
Other types of income from abroad |
908111 |
Sale of consumer goods in use |
909111 |
Sale of buildings and non-business |
909211 |
Sales of land not connected with economic activity |
909311 |
Sale of tangible assets remaining after liquidated business |
909411 |
Sales of other goods in the nature of capital |
910111 |
Loans and mortgages |
910112 |
Loans and advances drawn in banks with a credit card |
910113 |
Other borrowings at banks |
910121 |
Loans and advances drawn on other institutions |
910131 |
Borrowings from private individuals |
910211 |
Reimbursement of cash loans granted to individuals |
910311 |
Deposits taken from banks |
910321 |
Deposits received from other institutions |
910322 |
Przdplaty, deposits |
910331 |
Benefits earned from life insurance |
910341 |
Sale of securities |
911111 |
Sale of agricultural products and services |
911121 |
Foods downloaded for consumption in the household |
911122 |
non-food products collected for consumption in the household |
911131 |
Agricultural Products donated to |
911211 |
Income from non-agricultural production |
911212 |
Payments related to the use of farm |
911311 |
Income from rental of land used for agriculture |
911411 |
aid from the state, local governments, non-profit institutions |
911421 |
Compensation Insurance farm |
911431 |
gifts received from individuals for the farm |
911441 |
Other income associated with running a farm |
911511 |
Sale of fixed assets used on the farm |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.