Value |
Category |
Aslo send from Saudi Arab and his father give half money |
House rent |
Income from farming |
Money send from Saudi and some were arrange here in pakistan |
Money send to family and some money father gather for him |
Not paid, hoping my family will pay it for me |
Plans to pay it in the future |
Remittanced and family income |
Remittances and agricultural land |
Remittances and family income |
Remittances+agriculture land |
Remittances, Agricultural land |
Remittances, cash crop |
Slod shop |
Sold Jewlary |
Sold Land |
Sold Land, and also send money to family |
Sold Tractor |
Sold aTractor |
Sold car and some money send from Saudi Arab |
Sold cattles and also send some money from saudi arab |
Sold shop |
Venta de trastres |
agricukture land and remittances |
agriculture |
agriculture incom |
agriculture income |
agriculture land |
agriculture land,remittances |
agriculture products |
agriculture,remittances |
borrow other colleagues to pay for the bank for 3 months |
brother abroad |
brother income |
did not paid yet. |
doing job in pakistan |
earning here |
family |
family asset |
family income |
family paid to MF selling their assets |
father income |
friend's money |
from family assets |
from family business |
from his mother |
grandparent pay |
his mother pays for the interest of the bank |
home incom of other person |
house sold |
husband's income |
incom of father |
incom of home member |
incom of other home member |
income earned in pakistan after return |
income from sari sari store and lechon store |
income of other home member. er home member |
income of home member |
income of home other member |
income of home person |
income of other home member |
income of other home person |
income of pakistan and family member |
livestock |
mother |
mother's salary |
not paid |
not paid |
not paid yet |
other family income |
other household income |
other member income |
other person income |
other person of household |
paid by her father |
pamamasada |
parents |
pipe fiting |
remitanced |
remittances and agrucultural land |
remittances and sold arnaments |
remittances from brothers |
remittances,agricultural land |
remittances,agriculture land |
remittances,agriculture land,shop |
remittances,agricutural land |
remittances,shop,family income |
remmittinces and family income |
rice farming |
salary deduction from wife's monthly salary |
salary deduction of her husband |
salary of husband |
send to his family member in malaysia |
shop income |
sold jewlary |
sold land |
some money send from Saudi Arab and some were arrange here in pakistan |
stil pending |
still pending |
vendi unas joyas |
wife |
will sale land and repay |
work in pakistani incom |
working here in pakistan |
working of family member |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.