Value |
Category |
2nd passport after loosing one. |
CNIC Fee |
CNIC fee |
CNIC fer |
CNIC+Lisence fee |
CNIC,Lisence |
Cnic |
English CARD |
English Card |
English Card,Iqama fee taken twice |
English card |
Gastos de movilidad |
Green card |
Green card |
I'd card |
ID Card and Polio fee |
ID Card fee |
ID Crad fee |
Pago de permiso en INM |
Para pagar transporté y alimentos |
Pasaje y alimento. |
Transporte y alimentación |
[red ribbon] |
barangay and nbi clearance |
cnic |
cnic and other passport |
cnic, and othrr taxes |
commision for Malaysian agent |
commission fee for Malaysian agent |
commission fee for malaysia agent |
commission fee for malaysian agent |
commission for malaysia agent |
commission for malaysian agent |
deposit for brokerage fee which was refunded upon arrival |
deposit of brokerage fee which was refunded upon arrival by agent |
dst, notarization, birth certificare |
englis id |
english id |
english card |
english card (cnic) |
english id |
english id card |
english identification |
englisj id |
enhlish id |
fee for partner agent in malaysia |
for NSO birth certificate |
for the agency to cover all my payments |
id |
id card |
injection for measles immunization given during his medical exam |
iqama,cnic |
lisence |
made payment for cnic butfid not get it |
nadra card |
nadra verification |
nbi and police clearances |
nic,but did nit get cnic yet. |
no-objection certificate |
notarial fee |
pagibig |
pregnancy test |
recruitment |
shoping |
shoping ,eating etc |
sobornos a las autoridades |
sss contribution |
stamp paper |
sweet |
tax certificates |
this include Iqama,lisence,and cnic fee. |
tshirt |
uniform |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.