Value |
Category |
Agency |
Agency expense |
Agent |
Amigo |
Amigos y familiares |
Broker |
Brokers |
Company |
El Empleador |
El Enganchador |
El Reclutador |
El empleador |
El engachador |
El enganchador |
El entrevistado |
El se lo pago |
El se lo pagó |
Ella misma |
Empleador |
Employeer |
Employer |
Employer - Al-Jaber and Partners Construction and Energy Project |
Employer - Boom Construction Company |
Employer - Conspell Qatar WLL |
Employer - Nehmeh |
Employer - Porsche Al-Boraq |
Employer - Ritz Carlton |
Employer - Salini Empregelio SPA |
Employer - Semco Cars and Equipment |
Employer - Wael Aziz Al Aufi |
Employer / Company |
Employer Dolphin Energy Limited |
Employer Family Food Center |
Employer Integral Food Services |
Employer Jarir Bookstore |
Employer Sponsored - Doha Golf Course |
Employer through agency. |
Employer. |
Employer/company |
Employer: Alsaad General Contracting WLL |
Employer: J&P Overseas LTD |
Employer: Kentz Engineer & Constructors |
Employers |
Enganchador |
Familiar |
Familiares |
Friend |
I have payed for the agency and the agency cover all my cost |
I paid the broker and he financed all my expenditures |
I pay the broker the overall payment and he finance my expenditures |
Manpower |
Me lo pague con mis recursos |
Migración |
Reclutador |
Recruitment Agency |
Relative |
Rmploye |
Sponsored by Sister |
Su hermana |
Su tio |
Un familiar |
Viajan por caridad |
Viajando por caridad |
Viajo por caridad |
Viajó por caridad |
Was taken care of by agency through employer. |
age ncy |
agency |
agent |
agent friend |
agent8 |
ageny |
ajant |
al kaleit manpower agency |
algizza manpower agency |
alumana industries |
broke |
broker |
broker pays all my visa and plane ticket paayment with 50000 birr I gave him |
brokers |
brother |
brother in Qatar |
caa mampower |
company |
cousin (employer) |
cruzó por el rÃo |
dont know |
el enganchador |
el jefe fue con ellos y arreglo el permiso |
el reclutador |
el trabajo |
elenganchador |
employer |
employer company |
employer gulf warehousing |
employer of respondent's father |
employer through agency |
employer/ al-mazina contracting riding company |
employer/sponsor |
employers |
engamchador |
enganchador |
enployer |
friend |
friend from saudi (borrowed it) |
frind |
government employment service centre |
included in agency fee |
lo deportaron |
maersk oil qatar. |
manpower |
manpower age cy |
manpower agency |
manpower agent |
mmml manpower agency |
mother |
my employees |
my employees send me both the visa and air tickets |
my employer s |
my employers |
nadie |
nadie paso con balsa |
national petroleum services |
no sabe |
non-stop agency |
paid by employer |
papås |
recoting agency |
recruitment agency |
recruitment agent |
relative |
relative in Saudi |
relatives in Saudi |
relitave |
sharaka corp. (employer) |
sister from abroad |
skyworld business merger (agency) |
t I paid 25000 for the agency to cover all my transportation and related costs to saudy arabia |
the agency |
the agent |
the agents are the one who pay for my transportation and I dont know how much they pay |
the art company |
the broker |
the broker cover both visa and air ticket |
tozzi qatar wll. |
viajando por caridad |
vietnam agent |
vivia en guatemala y solo cruzo el rio |
yacoob trading and contracting |
yo |
yo misma. he viajado constantemente desde pequeña |
Él mismo |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.