Value |
Category |
Accident |
Always fainting |
BCG related ie after the respondent immunised her baby, the baby had little fever |
Body swell |
Catarrh |
Catarrh, getting lean instead of growing fat. |
Cattarh |
Cattarrh |
Chicken pox |
Cold |
Conjunctivitis |
Constipation |
Convulsions |
Cough catarrh |
Difficulty in breathing |
Ear pain |
Ear problem. |
Eye problem |
Had dislocation that affected his leg |
Hematuria |
Hotness of the body |
Hottness of the body,catarr |
Hypertiatis |
Jaundice |
Lost of appetite and constant spiting |
Navel pains |
Navel problem |
New born baby drug |
Novel |
Opthomological problem |
Pains in his throat |
Pile |
Pneumonia |
Problem with urinating |
Rashes and pus |
Running nose |
Running nose and fever |
Scarcity of blood |
Shaking |
She'sdead |
Skin rashes |
Sore throat |
Tooth ache |
Toothache |
Typhoid |
Warms |
Yellowish eye balls |
swollen Leg |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.