Family Income and Expenditure Survey 2012
Name | Country code |
Philippines | PHL |
Income/Expenditure/Household Survey [hh/ies]
The Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) is the main source of income and expenditure data in the Philippines. It is a nationwide survey of households conducted regularly by the National Statistics Office (NSO). Since 1957, sixteen (16) FIES had been conducted: 1957, 1961, 1965, 1971, 1975, 1979, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, and 2012. Starting 1985, a new series of FIES (in terms of content and methodology) was introduced. Further, the new series closed the gap of conducting the survey to three years, from the previous five years.
The 2012 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) is a nationwide survey of households undertaken every three years by the National Statistics Office (NSO). It is the main source of data on family income and expenditure, which include among others, levels of consumption by item of expenditure as well as sources of income in cash and in kind.
The 2012 FIES enumeration was conducted twice – the first visit was done in July 2012 with the first semester January to June as the reference period; the second visit was made in January 2013 with the second semester of 2012, that is, July to December 2012 as reference period. The same set of questions is asked for both visits.
The number of families for the 2012 and 2009 FIES was estimated using the household population estimate, derived by applying the growth rate (PGR) based on the household population counts from the 2000 and 2010 Census of Population and Housing (CPH).
The set of samples selected for the 2012 FIES is only one of the possible sets of samples of equal size that have been selected from the same population using the same sampling design. Estimates derived from each of these sets of samples would differ from one another. Sampling error is a measure of the variability of the estimates among all possible sets of samples. It is usually measures in terms of the standard errors for a particular statistic.
The standard error can be used to calculate confidence intervals within which the true value for the population can reasonably be assumed to fall. For example, for any given statistic calculated from a sample survey, the value of that statistic will fall within a range of plus or minus two times the standard error of that statistic in 95 percent of all possible samples of the same size and design.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Household and Household member (Individual)
v0.1: basic raw data. Obtained from Republic of the Philippines, National Statistic Office, Manila
The survey covered the following topics:
I. Identification and Other Information (Geographic Identification, Other Information and Particulars about the Family)
II. Expenditures
III. Income
IV. Entrepreneurial Activities
The 2012 FIES is a sample survey designed to provide income and expenditure data that are representative of the country and its 17 regions
The 2012 FIES has as its target population, all households and members of households nationwide. A household is defined as an aggregate of persons, generally but not necessarily bound by ties of kinship, who live together under the same roof and eat together or share in common the household food. Household membership comprises the head of the household, relatives living with him such as his/her spouse, children, parent, brother/sister, son-in-law/daughter-in-law, grandson/granddaughter and other relatives. Household membership likewise includes boarders, domestic helpers and non-relatives. A person who lives alone is considered a separate household.
Name | Affiliation |
National Statistic Office | Republic of the Philippines |
Name | Role |
Republic of the Philippines | Funded the study |
The FIES used the sampling design of the 2003 Master Sample (MS) for household surveys starting in July 2003.
The 2003 MS considers the country's 17 administrative regions as defined in Executive Orders (EO) 36 and 131 as its sampling domain. A domain is referred to as a subgroups of the population in which estimates with adequate level of precision is generated. It must be noted that while there is demand for data at the provincial level (and to some extent municipal and barangay levels), these were not treated as domain because of its large number (more than 80) and the large resource requirement that goes along with it.
As in most household surveys, the 2003 MS made use of an area sample design. For this purpose, the Enumeration Area Reference File (EARF) of the 2000 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) was utilized as sampling frame. The EARF contains the number of households by enumeration area (EA) in each barangay.
This frame was used to form the primary sampling units (PSUs). With consideration of the period for which the 2003 MS will be in use, the PSUs were formed/defined as a barangay or a combination of barangays with at least 500 households.
To have some control over the subsample size, the PSUs were selected with probability proportional to some estimated measure of size. The size measure refers to the total number of households from the 2000 CPH. Because of the wide variation in PSU sizes, PSUs with selection probabilities greater than 1 were identified and were included in the sample as certainty selections.
At the second stage, enumeration areas (EAs) were selected within sampled PSUs, and at the third stage, housing units were selected within sampled EAs. Generally, all households in sampled housing units were enumerated, except for few cases when the number of households in a housing unit exceeds three. In which case, a sample of three households in a sampled housing unit was selected at random with equal probability.
For the updating of the MS in 2012 (using the 2010 Census results), this concern should again be looked into. Meantime, the use of small area estimation can be tapped seriously to answer this data need.
The 2006 FIES is basically the same as the 2003 FIES in terms of approach in the interview, thus using separate questionnaire for each visit with the same set of questions. Data items specifically, school service (both land and water) and food supplements were added in the questionnaire.
Start | End |
2012-01-01 | 2012-12-31 |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.