Value |
Category |
99 |
no food prepared at home |
101 |
mealie meal [impuphu] (kg) |
102 |
samp [isitambu] (kg) |
103 |
flour [ufulawa] (kg) |
104 |
bread [isinkwa] (loaf) |
105 |
rice [irayisi] (kg) |
106 |
pasta [i-pasta] (kg) |
107 |
biscuits, cakes, rusks [amabhisikidi, amakhekhe, amaraski] (kg) |
108 |
red meat e.g. beef, mutton, pork [inyama ebomvu (inkomo, imvu, ingulube, njll)] (kg) |
109 |
canned red meat [inyama ebomvu esethinini] (kg) |
110 |
chicken [inkukhu] (kg) |
111 |
fresh fish and shell fish [inhlanzi entsha nenhlanzi yamasheli] (kg) |
112 |
tinned fish [inhlanzi yethini] (kg) |
201 |
dried peas, lentils, beans [amaphizi omisiwe, ilentili, amabhontshisi] (kg) |
202 |
frozen vegetables (kg) |
203 |
potatoes [amazambane] (kg) |
204 |
onion [uanyanisi] (kg) |
205 |
carrots [ukholothi (isaqathe)] (kg) |
206 |
green peppers [u-green pepper] (pieces) |
207 |
tomatoes [utamatisi] (kg) |
208 |
cabbage [iklabishi] (pieces) |
209 |
spinach [isipinashi] (kg) |
210 |
butternut squash [ubhathanathi] (pieces) |
211 |
other vegatables [eminye imifino] (kg) |
212 |
avocado [ukwatapheya] (pieces) |
213 |
bananas [ubhanana] (pieces) |
214 |
oranges [amawolintshi] (pieces) |
215 |
apples [apula] (pieces) |
216 |
other fruits [ezinye izithelo] (kg) |
217 |
nuts [izithelo nokungamantongomane] (kg) |
218 |
oil for cooking [amafutha okupheka] (litres) |
219 |
margarine, butter, ghee, other fats [imejerini, ibhotela, i-ghee, okunye okungamafutha] (kg) |
220 |
peanut butter [i-peanut butter (ibhotela lamantongomane)] (kg) |
301 |
milk and yoghurts [ubisi neyogathi] (litres) |
302 |
cheese [ushizi] (kg) |
303 |
dried milk [nobisi lemphuphu] (kg) |
304 |
eggs [amaqanda] (pieces) |
401 |
sugar [ushukela] (kg) |
402 |
jam, honey, chocolates and sweets [ujamu, uju, amashokoleti namaswidi] (kg) |
502 |
tinned fruit and vegatables [izithelo ezisethinini nemfino] (kg) |
503 |
breakfast cereal and porridge [isireli yebhulakifesi nomdokwe] (kg) |
504 |
baby food and baby formula [ukudla kwengane nobisi lwengane] (kg) |
603 |
soya products [imikhiqizo ye-soya] (kg) |
701 |
ready made meals not included above [okudla osekuphekiwe okuthengwe ngaphandle kekhaya] (pieces) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.