Value |
Category |
99 |
no expenditure for any of the above |
301 |
jewellery and watches [okwejuweli namawashi] |
303 |
trips and holidays excluding transport costs [uhambo lokuvakasha namaholide okungafaki izindleko zohambo] |
304 |
ceremonies such as weddings and funerals [imisebenzi efana nemishado nemingcwabo] |
305 |
kitchen equipment, like pots and pans, cutlery and crockery [izisetshenziswa zasekhishini, ezifana namabhodwe namapani, imimese nezimfologo nezitsha eziphukayo] |
306 |
home maintenance and repairs to the dwelling [ukugcina indlu iyinhle nokulungisa izinto endlini] |
307 |
bedding, sheets, blankets and towels [izinto zemibhede, amalakeni, izingubo namathawela] |
308 |
material to make curtains and other household items [izindwangu zokwenza amakhethini kanye nezinye izinto zasendlini] |
313 |
furniture and other household appliances bought with cash or by credit card [ifenisha nezinyo izinto zikagesi endlini ezithengwe ngokheshi noma nge-credit card] |
318 |
school fees and tuition [izinkokhelo zesikole nemali yokufundiswa] |
321 |
school books including stationery [izincwadi zesikole kufakwa nokokubhala] |
322 |
uniforms [amayunifomu] |
323 |
other school expenses such as school outings, meals at school, boarding fees, contributions to school buildings, extra costs for teachers and extramural activities [ezinye izindleko zokuvakasha ngesikole, ukudla esikoleni, izinkokhelo zokuhlala esikoleni, |
324 |
lobola [lobola] |
325 |
income tax payments [izinkokhelo zenteela yemali engenayo] |
326 |
material to make clothing [izindwangu zokwenza impahla] |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.