Value |
Category |
1 |
salt and spices [sawoti namaspayisi] |
2 |
coffee and tea [ikhofi netiye] |
3 |
soft drinks, juices, concentrate, squash, cordial |
4 |
cigarettes and tobacco [ugwayi nethobhakho] |
5 |
beer, wine, spirits, ijuba |
6 |
entertainment such as cinema, music, mnet and dstv [ukungcebeleka okufana nebhayisikobhu, umculo, i-mnet ne-dstv] |
7 |
sport including sporting equipment, gym and club membership [ezemidlalo ezifaka izisetshenziswa zezemidlalo, ijimu kanye nokuba yilungu leqembu] |
8 |
personal care items such as cosmetics, soap, shampoo and haircuts [izinto zokuzinakekela ngokwakho ezifana nokokuzicola, insipho, i-shampoo kanye nokugunda izinwele] |
9 |
newspapers, stationery, envelopes, stamps and books excluding school books [amaphepahndaba, izinto zokubhala, izimvilophu, izitembu kanye nezincwadi ezingafaki izincwadi zesikole] |
10 |
cell phone contract and/or airtime |
11 |
telephone account [i-akhawunti yocingo] |
12 |
lotto, gambling and horse-racing [i-lotto, ukugembula nemijaho yamahhashi] |
13 |
internet if not included in the telephone account [i-inthanethi uma ingafakwanga kwi akhawuntini yocingo] |
14 |
car payments excluding insurance [izinkokhelo zezimoto ezingafaki umshuwalensi] |
15 |
petrol, oil and car service [uphethiloli, uwoyela kanye nokulungisa imoto] |
16 |
buses, taxis, trains and air tickets including transport to school [amabhasi, amatekisi, izitimela kanye nemali yamathikithi amabhanoyi kufakwa nezithuthi zokuya esikoleni] |
17 |
water [amanzi] |
18 |
electricity [ugesi] |
19 |
other energy sources such as wood, paraffin, charcoal/coal, candles, gas, purchasing/charging batteries and diesel oil for generators [eminye imithombo yamandla kagesi efana nezinkhuni, uphalafini, okusamalahle/amalahle, amakhandlela, igesi, ukuthenga/uk |
20 |
municipal rates [imali ekhokhwa kamasipala] |
21 |
levies, for example sectional title, share block and timeshare [amalevi, isibonelo: ubunini obuyingxenye, ukwabelana ngebhuloki kanye nesikhathi okwabelwana ngaso] |
22 |
life insurance [umshuwalensi wempilo] |
23 |
funeral policies or burial societies [amapholisi omngcwabo noma omasingcwabisane] |
24 |
educational policies [amapholisi emfundo] |
25 |
short-term, insurance for example car, property & fire and crop insurance [umshuwalensi wesikhathi esifushane isibonelo umshuwalense wemoto, indlu, umlilo kanye nezitshalo] |
26 |
hire purchase (hp) payments on furniture and other household appliances [ukukhokhela ifenisha nezinto zikagesi ezithengwa ngesikweletu (i-hp/lay-by)] |
27 |
shoes and clothes (excluding school uniforms) bought with cash or by credit card [izicathulo nezimpahla zokugqoka (ezingafaki inyufomu yesikole) ezithengwe ngokheshi noma nge-credit card] |
28 |
account payments on shoes and clothes excluding school uniforms [ukukhokhwa kwe-akhawunti yezicathulo noma izimpahla ezingafaki inyufomu yesikole] |
29 |
medical aid schemes/medical insurance such as hospital plan [isikimu sezinsiza zokwelashwa/umshuwalense wezokwelapha ofana ne-hospital plan] |
30 |
medical supplies, for example, medicines and bandages [izinto zokwelapha, e.g. imithi namabhandishi] |
31 |
washing powder, dishwashing liquid, polish and all household cleaners [insipho yempuphu, insipho yamanzi yokugeza izitsha, ipholishi kanye nazo zonke izinto zokulungisa indlu] |
32 |
crèche and childcare [inkulisa nendawo yokunakekekla izingane] |
33 |
religious and membership dues of organisations, donations to charity [umnikelo wezenkolo nobulungu bezinhlangano, kanye neminikelo eya kwabahluphekayo] |
34 |
domestics, gardeners and other household help [ezasekhaya, abengadi kanye nolunye usizo lwasendlini] |
35 |
swimming pool maintenance [ukunakekela ama-swimming pool] |
36 |
pets [izilwane ezasekhaya ] |
37 |
toys [amathoyizi] |
99 |
no expenditures for any of the above |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.