Value |
Category |
5560 |
Community Center |
4213 |
United Mission to Nepal (UMN) |
3309 |
Institute for Family Health (IFH) |
3308 |
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA |
3307 |
Family Planning Association of Nepal |
3180 |
International Rescue Committee (IRC) |
2425 |
Homeopath |
2330 |
Private Sangini outlet |
1909 |
Condom box |
1438 |
Primary health center outreach clinic |
0000 |
No one |
1000 |
1100 |
Government hospital |
1110 |
Referral/specialty hospital |
1120 |
National/central hospital |
1130 |
Regional/provincial hospital |
1140 |
Urban hospital |
1150 |
District/rural hospital |
1151 |
District hospital |
1152 |
Rural hospital |
1160 |
Category I hospital |
1170 |
Category II hospital |
1180 |
University/teaching hospital |
1181 |
University hospital |
1182 |
Teaching hospital |
1200 |
Government health center |
1210 |
Referral health center |
1220 |
Community health center |
1230 |
Urban health center |
1240 |
Rural health center |
1250 |
Integrated health center |
1260 |
Family welfare center |
1270 |
Primary health center |
1280 |
Category I health center |
1290 |
Category II health center |
1300 |
Government family planning clinic |
1310 |
Stand-alone family planninc clinic |
1320 |
Mobile family planning clinic |
1400 |
Government outreach |
1410 |
Government health post |
1411 |
Village health post |
1420 |
Government mobile clinic |
1430 |
Government health worker |
1431 |
Fieldworker |
1432 |
Lady health worker (LHW) |
1433 |
Lady health visitor (LHV) |
1434 |
Community-based distribution agent |
1435 |
Community/village health worker |
1436 |
Health surveillance assistant (HSA) |
1437 |
Nurse |
1500 |
Government pharmacy/dispensary |
1600 |
Government maternity home |
1610 |
Maternal and child health (MCH) center |
1900 |
Other public sector |
1901 |
Camp |
1902 |
Health box |
1903 |
Health station/clinic |
1904 |
Health office |
1905 |
Community clinic |
1906 |
Health insurance organization |
1907 |
Curative care organization |
1908 |
Youth facility |
2000 |
2100 |
Private hospital/clinic |
2110 |
Private hospital |
2111 |
Specialized hospital |
2112 |
District hospital |
2120 |
Private clinic |
2121 |
Polyclinic |
2122 |
Clinic |
2200 |
Private doctor |
2210 |
Qualified doctor |
2220 |
Traditional doctor |
2300 |
Private pharmacy/dispensary |
2310 |
Private pharmacy |
2320 |
Private dispensary |
2400 |
Private outreach |
2410 |
Private mobile clinic |
2420 |
Private health worker |
2421 |
Fieldworker |
2422 |
Community-based distribution agent |
2423 |
Community/village health worker |
2424 |
Nurse |
2500 |
Private health center |
2510 |
VCT center |
2600 |
Private family planning clinic |
2700 |
Private maternity home |
2900 |
Other private medical |
2901 |
Medical office |
2902 |
Care room |
2903 |
Tent |
3000 |
3100 |
NGO health facility |
3110 |
Static clinic |
3120 |
Satellite clinic |
3130 |
Community-based outlet |
3200 |
NGO health worker |
3210 |
NGO community-based distributor |
3220 |
NGO fieldworker |
3230 |
NGO depot holder |
3300 |
Country-specific NGOs |
3301 |
AMO Congo |
3302 |
Egypt FP association |
3303 |
CSI project |
3304 |
3305 |
3900 |
Other NGO facility |
4000 |
4100 |
Religious hospital/clinic |
4110 |
Religious hospital |
4111 |
Religious referral/specialty hospital |
4112 |
Religious district hospital |
4120 |
Religious clinic |
4200 |
Religious health center/dispensary |
4210 |
Religious health center |
4211 |
Mosque health center |
4212 |
Church health center |
4220 |
Religious dispensary |
4300 |
Religious mobile clinic |
4400 |
Religious door-to-door |
5000 |
5100 |
Shop/market |
5110 |
Shop |
5111 |
General dealer |
5112 |
Supermarket |
5113 |
Tuck shop |
5114 |
Service station |
5120 |
Kiosk |
5130 |
Gas station |
5190 |
Other retail |
5200 |
Relative/friend |
5210 |
Partner |
5300 |
Church/mosque |
5400 |
Bar/nightclub/hotel |
5410 |
Bar/nightclub |
5411 |
Bar |
5420 |
Hotel |
5500 |
Other institution |
5510 |
School |
5520 |
Youth center |
5530 |
Workplace |
5600 |
Media |
5610 |
Family planning campaign |
5700 |
Traditional practitioner |
5710 |
Hakim |
5720 |
Traditional birth attendant (TBA) |
5800 |
Informal channels |
5810 |
Drug vendor |
5820 |
Public toilet |
9995 |
Other |
9997 |
Don't know |
9998 |
Missing |
9999 |
NIU (not in universe) |
1190 |
Military hospital |
1412 |
Sub-center or sub-post |
1620 |
Rural maternity clinic |
3140 |
Red Cross |
3150 |
Marie Stopes |
3160 |
Population Services International (PSI) |
3170 |
UN Relief and Works Agency facility |
3306 |
Myanmar Medical Association (MMA) |
4900 |
Other religious |
5540 |
Charity/foundation |
5550 |
Refugee camp |