National Manpower Survey 2016
Kampala Informal Sector Survey
Name | Country code |
Uganda | UGA |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
In order to support the development of an economic development strategy for the Greater Kampala metro region, an informal sector survey was undertaken between June 2016 and June 2017 to provide policy makers with analytical information on the prominent sectors within the city. The survey was designed to produce representative estimates for key indicators of the greater Kampala as a whole. The informal sector module of the National Manpower Survey (NMPS) implemented by UBOS was extended to include questions on household based enterprises. The module focuses on skill levels, remuneration, training and working conditions of those in the informal sector.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Household based enterprises
The survey covers the following themes:
Greater Kampala
The survey targeted households with enterprise and non-household enterprise identified within the enumeration areas. These were identified during a listing operation undertaken prior to the start of the survey.
Name |
World Bank |
Name |
UK Aid, Department of International Development (DFID) |
The survey interviewed 2,243 informal businesses, randomly drawn based on a two-stage stratified sample.
The sampling frame used for informal sector 2016 is the frame for the Uganda Population and Housing Census which was conducted on August 2014 (PHC 2014), provided by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). The sampling frame is a complete list of census Enumeration Areas (EA) created for the census covering the whole country, consisting of 80182 EAs. An EA is a natural village in rural areas and a city block in urban areas. Uganda is divided into 112 administrative districts, each districts is sub-divided into subdistricts, and each sub-district into parish, and each parish into villages. The frame file contains the administrative belongings for each EA and number of households at the time of the census. Each EA has also a designated residence type, urban or rural. Following are the definition of the geo-regions and the study domains.
The sample for the Uganda informal sector survey is designed to provide indicator such as employment, gross output estimates for the greater Kampala. In order to increase the efficiency of the sample design, the sampling frame will be divided into three strata which are as homogeneous as possible. The first level of stratification generally corresponds to the geographic domains of analysis that is Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono.
For more details on Sampling Procedure and Sample Allocation, Sample size determination, please refer to the Methodology document provided under the Related Materials tab.
Start | End |
2016-10-12 | 2016-12-18 |
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World Bank. Uganda National Manpower Survey 2016 - Kampala Informal Sector Survey (UNMPS-ISS 2016). Ref. UGA_2016_NMPS-ISS_v01_M. Downloaded from [uri] on [date].
Name | URL |
World Bank Microdata Library | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the DDI |
Version 01 (September 2018)