Value |
Category |
1 |
Lack of customers/marketing |
2 |
Access to finance |
3 |
Economic factors (profitability) |
4 |
Non payment of debts |
5 |
Lack of raw materials/Irregular supply |
6 |
Increased competition |
7 |
Difficulties with existing Government regulations |
8 |
High taxes and license fees |
9 |
Transport cost |
10 |
Poor transport system |
11 |
Crime/Safety |
12 |
Lack of skilled personel |
13 |
Labour regulations |
14 |
High labour turnover |
15 |
Lack of management skills |
16 |
Lack of space/Land |
17 |
Access/cost of energy |
18 |
Access/cost of water |
19 |
Lack of capital equipment |
20 |
Technical (Machine breakdown) |
21 |
No new technology |
22 |
Customs and trade regulations |
96 |
Others (specify) |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.