Value |
Category |
"Bakery Occupations " |
"Carpenter " |
"Civil Servants - Local council chairman " |
"Making crafts such as mats,buskets " |
"Owner of Mobile Money shop " |
"Washing clothes " |
"chicken rearing " |
"mat maker " |
"poultry producer " |
"restaurant owner " |
"selling madanzi " |
"shoe repairs " |
Goat rearing |
Net markting |
Quarring(quarrier ) |
Tailoring |
baby sitting at my place |
bar and restaurant owner |
farming |
owner of a mobile money shop |
packed water seller. |
selling half cakes |
subsistence agricultural farmer |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.