Value |
Category |
2 |
Semi-finished goods: |
3 |
Cost of goods purchased for resale : |
4 |
Industrial services purchased : |
5 |
Wages and salaries : |
6 |
Interest paid: |
7 |
Electricity: |
8 |
Water: |
9 |
Fuels: |
10 |
Insurances: |
11 |
Transport: |
12 |
Rent: |
13 |
Communication fees(eg Telephone, Postage.etc): |
14 |
Depreciation: |
15 |
Tools and equipment’s : |
16 |
Packaging materials : |
17 |
Travel allowances paid to employees : |
18 |
Brokerage and commissions : |
19 |
Bad debts, donations, less recoveries: |
41 |
Repair and maintenance of of equipments (spare parts etc) : |
42 |
Legal expenses : |
43 |
Security : |
44 |
Advertising cost e.g ( dry cells) : |
96 |
Others : |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.