Value |
Category |
101 |
chitipa |
102 |
karonga |
103 |
nkhatabay |
104 |
rumphi |
105 |
mzimba |
107 |
mzuzu city |
201 |
kasungu |
202 |
nkhota kota |
203 |
ntchisi |
204 |
dowa |
205 |
salima |
206 |
lilongwe |
207 |
mchinji |
208 |
dedza |
209 |
ntcheu |
210 |
lilongwe city |
301 |
mangochi |
302 |
machinga |
303 |
zomba |
304 |
chiradzulu |
305 |
blanytyre |
306 |
mwanza |
307 |
thyolo |
308 |
mulanje |
309 |
phalombe |
310 |
chikwawa |
311 |
nsanje |
312 |
balaka |
313 |
neno |
314 |
zomba city |
315 |
blantyre city |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.