Household Socio Economic Survey 2014
Name | Country code |
Mongolia | MNG |
Socio-Economic/Monitoring Survey [hh/sems]
The HSES 2014 is a nationally representative survey, which aims to evaluate and monitor the income and expenditure of households, poverty analysis, update the basket and weights for consumer price index, and offer inputs to the national accounts. The HSES is a survey regularly conducted by the NSO and covers a 12-month period for analysis.
Household and household members
Version 01
The 2014 Mongolia Household Socio Economic Survey covered the following topics:
The survey is nationally representative and covers the whole of Mongolia.
Households (defined as a group of persons who usually live and eat together)
Name | Affiliation |
National Statistical Office (NSO) | NSO |
Name | Role |
Government of Mongolia | Funding |
A stratified two-stage sample design was used for the 2014 HSES. The sampling frame was based on the 2013 administrative database that has information on the number of households for all administrative units. The primary sampling units (PSUs) selected at the first stage were based on the bags, which are the smallest administrative units in Mongolia. However, in the case of Ulaanbaatar, the PSUs were the enumeration areas (EAs) defined for the 2010 Mongolia Census. The sampling frame was first stratified by the 21 aimags and Ulaanbaatar. The Capital of Ulaanbaatar is an individual urban stratum. The remaining aimags were further divided into the following strata: urban, consisting of the aimag capital; and rural, divided into small town and countryside substrata. At the first sampling stage the clusters within each stratum were selected systematically with probability proportional to size (PPS), where the measure of size was based on the total number of households in the cluster from the administrative frame. Total of 1,800 PSUs or clusters were selected (900 sample urban clusters and 900 sample rural clusters). At the second sampling stage an updated administrative list of households was obtained for the sample bags enumerated each month. The sample households within each sample cluster were selected systematically with equal probability. (10 households for urban clusters and 8 households for rural clusters).
Total sample size of 16,200 households for the 2014 HSES. A total of 624 sample households was selected for each of the other aimags, except for the smaller aimags of Govisumber, with 216 sample households; Darhan-Uul, with 552 sample households; and Orhon, with 600 sample urban households there are no sample clusters in the rural stratum because of the small number of rural households in this aimag.
The use of this sampling procedure means that households living in different areas of the country have been selected with different probabilities. Therefore, to obtain representative statistics for each stratum and for the country as a whole, it was necessary to use sampling weights. The weight which was assigned to each household corresponds to the inverse of the selection probability and takes the sampling strategy into account.
Three questionnaires were used to collect the survey data:
• A core questionnaire of the Household Socio-Economic data (HSES-1): Form HSES-1 includes general household information, education, health, employment, livestock breeding and crops, nonagricultural production, trade, services and other income, savings, loans, housing and energy, durable goods, and non-food expenditure related questions.
• Household food consumption modules (HSES-2a, HSES-2b): The HSES-2a is a consolidated form of household diary and collected data on food consumption of selected household in the capital city and aimag centers for 30 days. The HSES-2b form used to collect data on food consumption for the last seven days of selected households in sum center and countryside.
• Household diary (HSES-3): Selected households should keep diary in the capital and aimag center and collected data on household's daily food consumption throughout the month.
Start | End | Cycle |
2014-01-01 | 2014-12-31 | Every month |
The overall data quality is to be considered of good standard. On the one hand, the large amounts of information that the HSES collects from households imposed new demands on operational strategies and data management compared to the previous HIES. Use tablet for data collection in other to reduce response burden and save resources and time. During the data collection process include 92 interviewer, 22 supervisor, 3 operators.
All procedures were streamlined and centralized, which is likely to have had a positive impact on the quality of the information. On the other hand, three different rounds of consistency checks were applied to the data: first during the data entry process, then during the compilation of the raw data files and finally during the preparation of this report. In all cases it was possible to compare these listings against the actual questionnaires filled out by the households (and at least during the first round of checks, some households were visited again) and the data were amended whenever a mistake was found. Use tablet for data collection in other to reduce response burden and save resources and time. Databases for the HSES 2014 have been unified and data error checking was made (by using STATA 12.1 program) in cooperation with working group.
Name | Affiliation | |
Myagmarkhand | NSO | |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Role |
National Statistical Office | Documentation of the study |
Version 02 (April 2019). The original documentation/ metadata (version 01) was downloaded from the Mongolia Microdata Catalog (