Integrated Labour Force Survey 2014
Name | Country code |
Tanzania | TZA |
Labor Force Survey [hh/lfs]
The history of the Integrated Labor Force Surveys in Tanzania Mainland goes back to 1965 when the first post-independence survey was conducted. It was followed by the surveys carried out in 1990/91, 2000/2001 and 2006.The 2014 ILFS is the fifth survey to be conducted by the government in collaboration with Development Partners (DPs) and other stakeholders.
The objective of the Integrated Labour Force Survey (ILFS) 2014 was to collect labor market information and other socio-economic data required for policy formulation and decision making in planning processes. The survey findings enhanced monitoring and evaluation of the national development frameworks such as the Tanzania Vision 2025 and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in respect of economic growth and reduction of income poverty.
The ILFS presented the results of the survey in Tanzania Mainland from January 2014 to December 2014. The survey was carried out by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE) on behalf of the government of Tanzania. The Funding for the survey was provided by The World Bank (WBG), the Department for International Development (DFID) and Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) through Tanzania Statistical Master Plan (TSMP) Basket Funds and International Labour Organization (ILO) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
Sample survey data [ssd]
The Integrated Labour Force Survey 2014 included the following topics:
National level,and three domains of rural, urban and Dar es Salaam
The survey covered all de jure residents of selected households
Name | Affiliation |
National Bureau of Statistics | Ministry of Labour and Employment |
Name | Role |
The African Development Bank | Technical support |
International Labour Organization | Technical support |
Name | Role |
Government of Tanzania | |
The World Bank | Technical and financial support |
United Nations International Children's Fund | Technical and financial support |
Department for International Development | |
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development |
The 2014 ILFS used the sampling frame derived from 2012 Population and Housing Census (PHC). The sample selection methodology was based on a stratified three-stage sample design. The first stage involved systematic sampling whereby 480 EAs were selected, out of this 360 EAs were selected from urban areas and 120 EAs were selected from rural areas. The second stage involved systematic sampling procedure for selecting households from each selected EA.
A total of 24 households were selected from each sampled EA. The third stage involved selection of respondents for time use module. In this stage, an interviewer was required to develop a household register for persons of age 5 years and above in accordance to their sex and age. One household member was selected from the register using Kish grid approach from every 5th household in the list of households. Thereafter the time use questionnaire was administered to the selected member of the household in each selected household.
The sample size requirements were derived based on the level of precision set for the main variables from the previous 2006 ILFS. The sample was designed to provide labor market information with 95 percent confidence interval in three main domains namely; Dar es Salaam, other urban and rural areas. In each selected EA, 24 households were interviewed during the survey period of which, six households were interviewed in each quarter making a total of 11,520 households in Tanzania Mainland. Among these households 4,800 were in Dar es Salaam 3,840 in other urban areas and 2,880 in rural areas. For those household which could not be interviewed due to absence of respondents or household not found, replacements were made. However, for households which could not be interviewed because of refusal no replacement were made.
The data collection exercise was carried out as per the requirements of sampling design.
The weight variable is called Ad-weight, it is computed as an inverse of the probability of selection of the household at the sampling domains of Dar es Salaam, other urban and rural. The household weights were adjusted for non-response at the domain level and then normalized so that, total population of these households at the respective three domains were equal to total population in private households in Tanzania Mainland in 2014 as projected by 2012 Population and Housing Census.
The 2014 ILFS questionnaire was developed in both English and Kiswahili. The questionnaire consists of four modules which are; Labour force, Informal sector, Working children and Time use. The Kiswahili version was pre-tested and reviewed before the pilot survey and the observations identified in the pre-testing phase were also incorporated in the English version.
Start | End | Cycle |
2014-02-03 | 2014-03-31 | 1 |
2014-04-01 | 2014-06-30 | 2 |
2014-07-01 | 2014-09-30 | 3 |
2014-10-01 | 2014-12-31 | 4 |
Name | Affiliation |
National Bureau of Statistics | Ministry of Finance |
Ministry of Labour and Employment |
The enumerators were organized in teams in each of the regions of Tanzania Mainland. The number of enumerators in the regions depended on the number of Enumeration Area (EAs) selected in that particular region. One supervisor was attached to each regional team of the enumerators, except for Dar es Salaam which had about 6 supervisors. The role of the supervisors was to check for consistency and accuracy of the filled out questionnaires before they were collected at the regional statistical manager's office. Moreover the field supervisors introduced the enumerators to village or ward executive officers for any assistance that would be required by the enumerators in data collection.
On top of the field supervision, supervision was also carried out in each region by the labor force technical committee from the NBS headquarters. This second phase supervision provided an intensive validation of replies in the questionnaires. In case major errors or inconsistences were noted, enumerators were sent back to the field for correction. The regional statistical managers provided administrative supervision and support for data collection.
The pilot survey was carried out in July and August 2013. The accomplishment of the pilot survey was done in several execution levels which involved; recruitment and training of enumerators, listing of households in the selected enumeration areas, data collection, manual editing and coding of questionnaires. The review of survey instruments were based on observations from the pilot survey, data entry, data processing and report writing.
The initial manual data editing was carried out at regional headquarters where filled in questionnaires from the respective regions were collected. In this stage some interviewers returned to the field to correct any of the issues identified during the editing.
Secondly, an intensive editing phase was conducted at the data processing center. This phase included filling in the spaces in questionnaires which were left for official purposes. This information included filling in standard codes for Tanzania Standard for Classification of Occupations (TASCO), Industry (ISIC-Rev 4), Codes for Subject of Training, and ICATUS codes. In addition this stage involved checking the logical flow of responses in the filled out questionnaires.
Data entry was done using a previously designed data capturing system running on Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro). After keying in the data, normally a handful of errors may be found in the data file resulting from combination of human and computer errors. For this reason, a series of edit routines were written in the CSPro batch edit facility to capture and ultimately clean the remaining inconsistencies. The cleaned dataset is available in SPSS.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director General | National Bureau of Statistics | | |
Public use files, accessible to all
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
National Bureau of Statisitcs. Integrated Labour Force Survey (ILFS) 2014. Ref. TZA_2014_ILFS_v01_M Dataset downloaded from on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director General | National Bureau of Statistics | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
National Bureau of Statistics | Ministry of Labour and Employment | Metadata preparation |
Development Data Group | The World Bank | Review of metadata |
Version 02 (August 2016)
Edited version, produced by Development Data Group (The World Bank), based on National Bureau of Statistics. The following changes were made:
Version 01 (December 2015)
Metadata documentation produced by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)