Student Questionnaire data file (PUF_SPSS_COMBINED_CMB_STU_QQQ)
PISA 2015 originally included eight items/questions on students’ exposure to bullying or bullying victimisation. Each item was designed to measure how frequently students are victims of a particular type of physical or relational bullying. Exploratory analysis of the data showed that the first two of the eight items on bullying (“st038q01na: I got called names by other students” and “st038q02na: I got picked on by other students”) were also not strongly correlated with the other six items. The averages of these two items also vary across countries much more than the other six items, potentially indicating measurement issues (e.g. students in some countries might have interpreted the questions differently from students in other countries, or as a consequence of translation the questions might have in some languages different meanings and nuances than in other languages). In order to facilitate reliable comparisons of bullying prevalence across countries and economies, values for the first two items were suppressed from the international PISA 2015 database.
To connect databases CY6_MS_CMB_STU_QQ2 and CY6_MS_CMB_STU_QQQ, please use the variables CNTSTUID (Student ID)
Cases: | 519334 |
Variables: | 21 |