FinScope 2015
Financial Inclusion
Name | Country code |
Zambia | ZMB |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
The first FinScope survey was conducted in 2006, covering 2005, to inform the Government of Zambia's comprehensive strategy for strengthening and broadening the Zambian financial sector under the Financial Sector Development Plan (FSDP), which run from 2004 to 2009 under Phase I and 2010 to 2015 under Phase II.
The FinScope Zambia 2015 was implemented with the following objectives:
To track overall trends in financial inclusion over time in terms of:
• Changes in the levels of inclusion - both formal and informal inclusion
• Changes in terms of the type of financial service providers and the type of financial services being used
• To assess whether Zambia is on track in terms of achieving national financial inclusion
Sample survey data [ssd]
v1: Edited, anonymised dataset for public distribution
v1.1: Introduces a ward level variable (Q_8_O1)
This version was first received by DataFirst from Financial Services Deepening Zambia (FSDZ) in November 2016. This is the first version that has been made available for public release.
Individuals: age, financial services used, financial behavior, knowledge of financial products and institutions, bank status, access to transport, constraints on financial product access, unexpected events, self-reported quality of life, employment, asset ownership, insurance, credit access, business operations, savings behavior, cellphone access, household facilities, psychological health, marital status, education, language, literacy.
National Coverage
The survey covered all usual household residents age 16 and above in Zambia.
Name |
Financial Sector Deepening Zambia |
Name |
Bank of Zambia |
Name |
Government of Finland |
Much like the preceding FinScope surveys the one conducted in 2015 used a complex sample survey design with multi-stage cluster sampling. Unlike in previous FinScope surveys, however, the sample was drawn from the frame generated by the 2010 population census and not the 2000 census. Stratification was done at the province and urban/rural levels before cluster sampling was performed using enumerator areas as PSUs. 866 EAs were selected with probability proportional to size. Within each EA, 10 households were randomly selected. In the third stage, one eligible (aged 16 and above) member of the household was randomly selected using a Kish grid.
Start | End |
2015-02-01 | 2015-03-31 |
Name |
Ipsos Zambia |
Data collection was conducted by 150 Ipsos enumerators over a two-month period during February/March 2015. A total sample of 8,570 interviews was achieved representing a 99.0 percent response rate.
Interviews were conducted face-to-face. Interview data was captured electronically (using mobile phones) during the interview. After completion of an interview the data was immediately uploaded onto the Ipsos server by means of the mobile network. If the network was not available at the time of completion of the interview, the data was stored on the mobile device until the network could be accessed. Once the network was accessed data that was saved on the device was uploaded to the server.
Attempts were made during fieldwork to impose ongoing quality control measures.
In addition to data quality control measures implemented around collection, final checks were also conducted once fieldwork concluded. The report is not specific on the data cleaning processes undertaken.
The data file received by DataFirst is two observations short of what was expected. That is, there are 3998 observations in the data file when there should be 4000.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
DataFirst | University of Cape Town | | |
Public use files, available to all
Financial Sector Deepening Zambia. Zambia FinScope 2015 [dataset]. Version 1. Lusaka: Financial Sector Deepening Zambia [producer], March 2015. Place: Distributor [distributor], 2017. 10.25828/armt-xr43.
Name | URL | |
DataFirst Support | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
DataFirst | University of Cape Town | Metadata producer |
Version 01 (October 2019). This version is identical to DataFirst documentation version (zmb-fsdz-zamfs-2015-v1.1) except for the following fields that were edited by the World Bank: Document ID and Study ID.