Value |
Category |
1 |
Savings at a bank |
2 |
Savings at a microfinance institution like Finca or Pride |
3 |
Savings at a savings and credit cooperative (SACCO) |
4 |
Savings that you keep on your mobile phone |
5 |
Savings with your employer |
6 |
Savings with Chilimba |
7 |
Savings with savings group |
8 |
Savings with another community group or church |
9 |
Savings in the form of cash at home or in a secret hiding pl |
10 |
Savings in the form of cash kept safe by carrying it around |
11 |
Savings by means of money given to a household or family mem |
12 |
Saving by means of money given to someone else for safe keep |
13 |
Savings by means of buying farming/fishing inputs in advance |
14 |
Savings by means of buying business stock or materials |
15 |
Savings by means of buying building materials to use at a la |
16 |
Savings in Treasury Bills or Government Bonds |
17 |
Savings in unit trusts |
18 |
Shares on the stock exchange |
19 |
Pension / NAPSA |
20 |
Any other form of savings that I have not mentioned that you |
21 |
None |
Sysmiss |