This file contains all household-level data collected during this survey. It contains primary variables (i.e. questions administered on the field) and 19 derived variables (i.e. indicators computed at the analysis stage).
- hhsize_adjusted: Household size (adjusted analyst definition)
- hhsize_adeq: Household size (adult equivalent)
- inc_total: Total income over last month (excluding savings/borrowing)
- inc_nsources: Number of hh income sources last month
- cee_food_g_1d: Daily cash equivalent expenditure for all food items including gifted
- cee_food_ng_1d: Daily cash equivalent expenditure for non-gifted food items
- cee_cnfi_ng_1d: Daily cash expenditure on non-gifted consumable non-food items
- cee_dnfi_ng_1d: Daily cash expenditure on non-gifted durable non-food items
- cee_ng_1d: Daily non-gifted cash equivalent expenditure
- cee_ng_1d_pc: Daily non-gifted consumption expenditure per person
- cee_ng_1d_adeq: Daily non-gifted consumption expenditure per adult equivalent
- foodshare: Percent of total non-gifted basket that is food
- below_KE_povline: Daily non-gifted consumption expenditure per person is below the Kenyan poverty line
- below_total_basket: Daily non-gifted consumption expenditure per person is below the total essential basket
- below_food_basket: Daily non-gifted consumption expenditure per person is below essential food basket
- below_nfi_basket: Daily non-gifted consumption expenditure per person is below essential non-food basket
- fcs: Household Food Consumption Score Group
- dds: Household Dietary Diversity Score Class
- lcs: Livelihood Coping Strategy Index
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