Value |
Category |
1 |
Agriculture |
2 |
Cash from charitable organizations |
3 |
Cash from humanitarian organizations |
4 |
Construction |
5 |
Credit/debts (formal e.g. banks) |
6 |
Credit/debts (informal)shops, friends hosts) |
7 |
Food voucher/ e-card |
8 |
Gifts from family/relatives |
9 |
Manufacturing |
10 |
Not Applicable |
11 |
Other (specify)____________________ |
12 |
Other services (e.g. hotel, restaurant, transport, ... |
13 |
Other types of sales |
14 |
Professional Services |
15 |
Remittances |
16 |
Sale of assets (car, bicycle, refrigerator, TV, jewelry) |
17 |
Sale of crops |
18 |
Sale of food aid (food vouchers or parcels) |
19 |
Sale of livestock and animal produce |
20 |
Sale of non-food assistance |
21 |
Savings |
22 |
Wholesale and retail trade; |