Census of Industrial Production 2013
Mining, Manufacturing, Construction, Electricity and Water
Name | Country code |
Zimbabwe | ZWE |
Enterprise Census [en/census]
The Census of Industrial Production (CIP) 2013 was carried out to obtain information on the structure and development of the mining, manufacturing, electricity and water and construction industries in Zimbabwe. Such statistical information is useful in economic planning, monitoring and evaluation and policy formulation.
The CIP 2013 was carried out when the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation 2013-2018 (Zim Asset) an economic blueprint for the nation, was crafted to guide national development for the 5-year period. In this respect, statistics such as value added for mining, manufacturing, electricity and water, derived from the CIP, can be used to monitor growth targets set in Zim Asset.
The main objective of the CIP was to produce statistics that include gross output, intermediate consumption and value added for use in estimating Gross Domestic Product (GDP). More specific objectives were to obtain:
Census/enumeration data [cen]
The 2013 Zimbabwe Census of Industrial Production covered the following topics:
• Particulars of Business
• Characteristics of Establishments and/or Enterprises
All establishment formally registered by the Registrar of Companies.
Name | Affiliation |
Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
Name | Role |
Government of Zimbabwe | Financial assistance |
African Development Bank | Financial assistance |
All the establishments were targeted
Two questionnaires (Manufacturing and Construction) were administered to collect the data.
Start | End |
2013 | 2013 |
Data collection was done through self-administered questionnaires dispatched by trained enumerators to all the establishments in the register. Completed questionnaires were collected by the same enumerators. Questionnaires were edited and checked for completeness before data capture. In cases of item non-response, a situation where some sections of the questionnaire are not completed, respondents were phoned or revisited for completeness of data. Where missing data could not be readily available, imputations were made.
Computer software called CSPro was used for data capture. As a data cleaning procedure at data entry stage, each questionnaire was captured by two independent data entry personnel. Data points captured from each questionnaire that were at variance to each other were treated as incorrect and the questionnaire in question was referred for correction.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency | Zimbabwe Ministry of Finance | | |
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(c) Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT)
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development | Documentation of the study |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Review of the metadata |
Version 02 (August 2021). Identical to a DDI published on Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT) microdata catalog. Some of the metadata fields have been edited.