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Population Census; Building and Housing Census 1971 - IPUMS Subset
Austria, 1971
Austrian Central Statistical Office, Minnesota Population Center
ID: AUT_1971_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 7227 Citations: 7
Data available from external repository
Veertiende Algemene Volkstelling (28 februari 1971); tevens Beroepstelling en Algemene Woningtelling 1971 - IPUMS Subset
Netherlands, 1971
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) (Statistics Netherlands), Minnesota Population Center
ID: NLD_1971_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 1481
Data available from external repository
National Population, Family, and Housing Census 1970 - IPUMS Subset
Argentina, 1970
Argentine National Institue of Statistics and Censuses, Minnesota Population Center
ID: ARG_1970_PHC_v01_M_v04_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 12639 Citations: 8
Data available from external repository
XIV Censo Nacional de Población y III de Vivienda 1970 - IPUMS Subset
Chile, 1970
Dirección de Estadística y Censos, Minnesota Population Center
ID: CHL_1970_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 6822 Citations: 9
Data available from external repository
Population and Housing Census 1970 - IPUMS Subset
Malaysia, 1970
Department of Statistics Malaysia, Minnesota Population Center
ID: MYS_1970_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 3920 Citations: 3
Data available from external repository
Census of Population and Housing 1970 - IPUMS Subset
Puerto Rico, 1970
U.S. Census Bureau, Minnesota Population Center
ID: PRI_1970_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 5872 Citations: 5
Data available from external repository
Population Census 1970 - IPUMS Subset
Hungary, 1970
Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Minnesota Population Center
ID: HUN_1970_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 1628
Data available from external repository
IX General Population and Housing Census 1970 - IPUMS Subset
Mexico, 1970
Dirección General de Estadística, Secretaría de Industria y Comercio, Minnesota Population Center
ID: MEX_1970_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 4729 Citations: 20
Data available from external repository
General Population Census of 1968 - IPUMS Subset
France, 1968
INSEE (Institut National de la Statisque et des Etudes Economiques), Minnesota Population Center
ID: FRA_1968_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 4122 Citations: 6
Data available from external repository
XIII National Population and II Housing Census 1964 - IPUMS Subset
Colombia, 1964
Departmento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE), Minnesota Population Center
ID: COL_1964_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 4870 Citations: 1
Data available from external repository
General Population Census of 1962 - IPUMS Subset
France, 1962
INSEE (Institut National de la Statisque et des Etudes Economiques), Minnesota Population Center
ID: FRA_1962_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 4351 Citations: 8
Data available from external repository
Dertiende Algemene Volkstelling (31 mei-1 juni 1960); tevens Beroepstelling 1960 - IPUMS Subset
Netherlands, 1960
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) (Statistics Netherlands), Minnesota Population Center
ID: NLD_1960_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2032
Data available from external repository
VIII General Population and Housing Census 1960 - IPUMS Subset
Mexico, 1960
Dirección General de Estadística, Secretaría de Industria y Comercio, Minnesota Population Center
ID: MEX_1960_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 8598 Citations: 10
Data available from external repository
STEP Skills Measurement Employer Survey 2016 - 2017 (Wave 3)
Kenya, 2016-2017
World Bank
ID: KEN_2016_STEP-EMP_v01_M Last modified: Sep 19, 2018 Views: 1324
Data available from external repository
STEP Skills Measurement Employer Survey 2015-2016 (Wave 3)
Kosovo, 2015
World Bank
ID: KSV_2015_STEP-EMP_v01_M Last modified: Sep 19, 2018 Views: 1468
Data available from external repository
Showing 301-315 of 506
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