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Population Census 1990 - IPUMS Subset
Hungary, 1990
Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Minnesota Population Center
ID: HUN_1990_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2763 Citations: 1
Data available from external repository
Population Census 1990 - IPUMS Subset
Indonesia, 1990
Central Bureau of Statistics, Minnesota Population Center
ID: IDN_1990_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 4940 Citations: 80
Data available from external repository
Noveno Censo Nacional de Población y Quinto de Vivienda de Panamá 1990 - IPUMS Subset
Panama, 1990
Contraloria General de la Republica, Direccion de Estadistica y Censo, Minnesota Population Center
ID: PAN_1990_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 8516 Citations: 14
Data available from external repository
XII Censo General de Población y Vivienda 1990 - IPUMS Subset
Venezuela, RB, 1990
Oficina Central de Estadística e Informática, Minnesota Population Center
ID: VEN_1990_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 4468 Citations: 10
Data available from external repository
Population and Housing Census 1989 - IPUMS Subset
Vietnam, 1989
Bureau of The Central Steering Committee for the 1989 Population and Housing Census. General Statistics Office., Minnesota Population Center
ID: VNM_1989_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 4522 Citations: 8
Data available from external repository
General Census of Population and Housing 1988 - IPUMS Subset
Senegal, 1988
National Census Bureau, Minnesota Population Center
ID: SEN_1988_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 6332 Citations: 2
Data available from external repository
General Census of Population and Housing 1987 - IPUMS Subset
Mali, 1987
Central Bureau of the Census, Minnesota Population Center
ID: MLI_1987_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 4423 Citations: 4
Data available from external repository
Population Census Federal Republic Germany 1987 - IPUMS Subset
Germany, 1987
Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), Minnesota Population Center
ID: DEU_1987_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 3606 Citations: 2
Data available from external repository
Second General Census of Population and Housing 1987 - IPUMS Subset
Cameroon, 1987
Ministère du Plan et de l'Amenagement du Territoire, Minnesota Population Center
ID: CMR_1987_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 5002
Data available from external repository
Census of Population of Ireland 1986 - IPUMS Subset
Ireland, 1986
Central Statistics Office, Minnesota Population Center
ID: IRL_1986_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2303
Data available from external repository
General Population Census VI and Housing IV 1985 - IPUMS Subset
Uruguay, 1985
General Office of Statistics and Censuses, Minnesota Population Center
ID: URY_1985_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 5513 Citations: 6
Data available from external repository
Population and Housing Census 1984 - IPUMS Subset
Ethiopia, 1984
Central Statistical Agency, Minnesota Population Center
ID: ETH_1984_PHC_v01_M_v01_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2308 Citations: 1
Data available from external repository
Census of Population and Housing 1983 - IPUMS Subset
Israel, 1983
Central Bureau of Statistics - Israel, Minnesota Population Center
ID: ISR_1983_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 3943
Data available from external repository
Recensement General de la Population et du Logement 1982 - IPUMS Subset
Haiti, 1982
Département du Plan, Institute Haïtien de Statistique et d'Informatique, Minnesota Population Center
ID: HTI_1982_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 5191
Data available from external repository
Population Census; Building and Housing Census 1981 - IPUMS Subset
Austria, 1981
Austrian Central Statistical Office, Minnesota Population Center
ID: AUT_1981_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 9061 Citations: 7
Data available from external repository
Showing 376-390 of 506
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