Showing 406-420 of 506
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The Census of Population, Occupation, Dwellings and Buildings of the German Democratic Republic 1971 - IPUMS Subset
Germany, 1971
Central State Office for Statistics, Minnesota Population Center
ID: DEU_1971_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 3903 Citations: 2
Data available from external repository
National Population Housing Census 1971 - IPUMS Subset
Greece, 1971
National Statistical Service of Greece, Minnesota Population Center
ID: GRC_1971_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2798 Citations: 3
Data available from external repository
Census of Population of Ireland 1971 - IPUMS Subset
Ireland, 1971
Central Statistics Office, Minnesota Population Center
ID: IRL_1971_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 3785 Citations: 1
Data available from external repository
Population Census 1971 - IPUMS Subset
Indonesia, 1971
Central Bureau of Statistics, Minnesota Population Center
ID: IDN_1971_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 5031 Citations: 84
Data available from external repository
National Census of Dwellings and Population 1971 - IPUMS Subset
Nicaragua, 1971
National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, Minnesota Population Center
ID: NIC_1971_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 7236 Citations: 4
Data available from external repository
VIII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de 1970 - IPUMS Subset
Brazil, 1970
Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Minnesota Population Center
ID: BRA_1970_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 5841 Citations: 23
Data available from external repository
Swiss Federal Population Census of 1970 - IPUMS Subset
Switzerland, 1970
Federal Statistical Office, Minnesota Population Center
ID: CHE_1970_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2972 Citations: 2
Data available from external repository
The Census of the Federal Republic Germany 1970 - IPUMS Subset
Germany, 1970
Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), Minnesota Population Center
ID: DEU_1970_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 4073 Citations: 2
Data available from external repository
V National Population and Housing Census 1970 - IPUMS Subset
Dominican Republic, 1970
Oficina Nacional de Estadística (ONE), Minnesota Population Center
ID: DOM_1970_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2161
Data available from external repository
Census of Population and Housing 1970 - IPUMS Subset
United States, 1970
U.S. Census Bureau, Minnesota Population Center
ID: USA_1970_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 4079 Citations: 188
Data available from external repository
Séptimo Censo de Población y Tercero de Vivienda de Panamá 1970 - IPUMS Subset
Panama, 1970
Contraloria General de la Republica, Direccion de Estadistica y Censo, Minnesota Population Center
ID: PAN_1970_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 4272 Citations: 10
Data available from external repository
Census of the Population 1966 - IPUMS Subset
Fiji, 1966
Fiji Bureau of Statistics, Minnesota Population Center
ID: FJI_1966_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 3548
Data available from external repository
VI Censo Nacional de Población y II de Vivienda 1963 - IPUMS Subset
Costa Rica, 1963
Dirección General de Estadísticas y Censos, Minnesota Population Center
ID: CRI_1963_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 2705
Data available from external repository
VII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de 1960 - IPUMS Subset
Brazil, 1960
Servico Nacional de Recenseamento. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Minnesota Population Center
ID: BRA_1960_PHC_v01_M_v03_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 8941 Citations: 10
Data available from external repository
Census of Population and Housing 1960 - IPUMS Subset
United States, 1960
U.S. Census Bureau, Minnesota Population Center
ID: USA_1960_PHC_v01_M_v02_A_IPUMS Last modified: Mar 29, 2019 Views: 9784 Citations: 152
Data available from external repository
Showing 406-420 of 506
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