Regional changes in food poverty in India

Type Journal Article - GeoJournal
Title Regional changes in food poverty in India
Volume 30
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 1993
Page numbers 167-177
Using average nutritive values of food actually consumed by individuals, this paper identifies regional concentration of hunger (food poverty) and its changes overtime in rural India. There is clearly a heavy concentration of hunger in the coastal states of India, with few exceptions, which has persisted over time. Hunger has declined in about half the states of India but has increased in the remaining half. Unfortunately, it seems to have increased in the states that are relatively prosperous and are surplus producers of food. Hence, increased production of food, though important, does not necessarily reduce hunger. A redeeming conclusion of the study is that there has been a general improvement in the quality of food intake, particularly in the states where food poverty has declined.

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