Role of Agricultural Extension in Sustainable Rural Development in Pakistan

Type Journal Article - Lucrari Stiintifice, Seria I
Title Role of Agricultural Extension in Sustainable Rural Development in Pakistan
Volume 11
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 0
Page numbers 0-0
Pakistan is an agricultural based economy and about two-third population lives in the rural areas. The role of agricultural extension in the sustainable development of rural areas has not been fully exploited to realize sustainable rural communities. An effective extension system of any country always plays very prime role in the developmental process. However, Pakistan is under heavy criticism for not making significant the impact on crop yields and for not bringing the desired positive changes in the rural livelihood. New initiatives in the form of decentralization and devolution; participatory approaches to extension, and the use of new information and communication technologies have been taken to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the service. An extension system that could promote sustainable agriculture and address the rural development issues is in dire need.

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