Msmes In Costa Rica: Chronicle Of Their Poor Integration In Times Of Accelerated International Integration

Type Journal Article - Well-Being And Social Policy
Title Msmes In Costa Rica: Chronicle Of Their Poor Integration In Times Of Accelerated International Integration
Volume 8
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 47-68
This paper focuses on MSMEs and public policies aimed at fostering their development in the Costa Rican economy. I use an alternative approach to classify economic activity that allows us me to more accurately determine inequalities between traditional long-established activities in the economy and newly emerging activities characterized by their great dynamism. Results provide evidence of the evolution of a development style that magnifies the presence of different types of economies that have their own dynamics and marked inequalities among them, putting traditional activities, less skilled workers and MSMEs at a disadvantage. These sectors have to perform in an environment of accelerated international integration. Public policies have been implemented but have been insufficient to distribute the benefits generated by the momentum provided to the “new economy”.

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