Education Continuity Of Children Of Poor Households In Jawa Timur: The Role Of Birth Order

Type Journal Article - Institute of Statistics, BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Title Education Continuity Of Children Of Poor Households In Jawa Timur: The Role Of Birth Order
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
One important dimension of poverty is child poverty. Education is a part of human freedom and human capabilities. This reflects that the development of human capital through education is an important determinant for reducing the number of poor people. Birth order plays s substantial role in a child’s life because the family is the first social system to which a child is exposed. The results confirm that later born children are more likely to be in school than their earlier born counterparts. If there is no obstacle whatsoever to run a poverty alleviation program for the education sector, then all children in poor households can directly targeted programs simultaneously. But if there is a constraint (such as lack of funds) and must choose which children from poor households are prioritized, then in order to obtain maximum results, you should first child with birth order is a major priority.

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