Gender Audit of Energy Policy and Programmes in Kenya

Type Journal Article - ENERGIA reports
Title Gender Audit of Energy Policy and Programmes in Kenya
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2007
The Gender audit of energy policies and programmes is one of the outputs of Work Package 3 of
the activities undertaken within the programme of ENERGIA5
called ‘Turning Information into
Empowerment: Strengthening Gender and Energy Networking in Africa’ (TIE-ENERGIA
programme). The programme is implemented by members of the Africa chapter of ENERGIA
called the Africa Gender and Energy Network (AGEN). The project is funded by the European
Union under the COOPENER. COOPENER is a funding window under the European Union
Energy Initiative for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development.
As part of this programme, the gender audit exercise aimed at identifying gender gaps in energy
and poverty policies through making gender and energy issues visible to a wide audience. It was
envisaged that such action would support national and international networking as well as
advocacy initiatives to influence energy policies and programmes. The Audit exercise included
training of the team members as well as stakeholders who participated in the exercise. Such
training contributed to building capacity of women and men in ways that could enable them to
acquire skills and information on how to advise policy planners towards making gender
responsive policies and programmes.

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