Effects of Globalization on Working Women in the Private Sector of Bangladesh: A Study of the Garment Industry

Type Journal Article - The Journal of Public Administration
Title Effects of Globalization on Working Women in the Private Sector of Bangladesh: A Study of the Garment Industry
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 67-94
URL http://gspajournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Chapter3.pdf
The huge demand of frozen foods, garments and knitting accessories across the world opened the opportunity for Bangladesh to enter the global market particularly for private sector that emerges in 1980s. The high rate of unemployment creates availability of cheap labor and attracts foreign buyers. The total employee increased from 0.2 million in 1985 to 4 million in last three decades. Private sector, garment industry in particular employs more than 80 percent women for various reasons. There has been a signifi cant increase in the women labor force who transformed from informal sector to formal sector. The globalization brought socio-economic benefi ts for them as well as negative aspects. This paper has an attempt to examine the impact of globalization on working women in garment sectors in Bangladesh. In order to maintain the sustainable economic and social development of Bangladesh, government should play the important role as a controlled mechanism.

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