Nations in Transit 2014-Albania

Type Website Document
Title Nations in Transit 2014-Albania
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 0
Albania has been a member of the North American Treaty Organization (NATO) since 2009 and also aspires to join the European Union (EU). The push for European integration currently functions as the main driver for reform in the country.

In June, a coalition led by the opposition Socialist Party (PS) won a landslide victory over incumbent prime minister Sali Berisha and his Democratic Party (PD). The elections met international standards and resulted in a peaceful transfer of power. The new government is composed of first-time ministers from the PS and more experienced politicians from the Socialist Movement for Integration party (LSI), many of whom were part of Berisha’s government until April 2013.

In October 2013, the European Commission recommended that Albania should be granted EU-candidate status due to its demonstrated progress in legislative reform and political dialogue. Two months later, the Council of the European Union decided to postpone this decision for at least a six-month period. In the meantime, Albania needs to convince EU Member States that the reforms it has introduced are being implemented and that there is tangible progress in judicial reform and the reduction of corruption and organized crime.

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