Facilitating and Inhibiting Factors of Entrepreneurial Activities of OFW-Dependent Households

Type Working Paper
Title Facilitating and Inhibiting Factors of Entrepreneurial Activities of OFW-Dependent Households
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL http://pep-net.org/sites/pep-net.org/files/typo3doc/pdf/CBMS_country_proj_profiles/Philippines/Speci​al_initiatives/ADB/CFO-ADB_-_TullaoRivera_-_FINAL.pdf
One of the competitive advantages of the Philippines is the export of manpower, through its Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). This has stimulated the economy and improved the welfare of households through enhanced expenditures in various family sustenance activities financed by remittances. In this study, we highlight how OFW-dependent households use
remittances in entrepreneurship. By utilizing a qualitative response model (QRM) approach, we estimated the effects of facilitating and inhibiting factors on the decision of OFWdependent households to engage in entrepreneurial activities. Results provided a framework on their decision-making process regarding the productive use of their remittances - invest
in additional income generating activities, that is, through entrepreneurial activities. Moreover, it was generalized that the more influential factor is savings and/or wealth. In the Philippines, being an entrepreneur engaging in micro and small enterprises is a “coping up mechanism” to those who cannot or are having difficulties entering the formal labor force; otherwise, they will work.

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