Why Thailand should have the pictorial warning label on alcoholic beverage package

Type Report
Title Why Thailand should have the pictorial warning label on alcoholic beverage package
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2010
URL http://ihppthaigov.net/DB/publication/attachresearch/257/chapter1.pdf
Concerning on its related social and health negative impact, alcohol must not be
regarded as an ordinary commodity in any circumstance
• The global health burden from alcohol has increased overtime. Alarmingly,
special concern should be placed on the increase in alcohol consumption and
harms among youth and female population worldwide, in particularly in the
global regions with conventionally low consumption.
• Thailand is a lucid clear example of ‘Alcohol Emerging Market’, with marked
growth in drinker prevalence, consumption volume, drinking frequency, product
variety and exposure to direct and indirect alcohol marketing. Inevitably, the
increase in alcohol consumption led to the increase in alcohol-related problem
Thai society has to face with. The cost of alcohol consumption to Thai society is
much higher than collective benefit from alcohol, and alcohol consumption
closely relates to social inequity, taking into concern the negative impact on
vulnerable sub-populations in Thailand.

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